Chapter 23

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Wanda changed into her casual clothes as she laid Peter down onto the bed. He had yet to wake up from the bell tower incident that occurred just minutes ago. And the more time went on, the more concerned Wanda became for her boyfriend. He risked himself to separate from the symbiote, which had somehow found its way back to him after the last time he separated from it.

This just goes to show the type of person Peter is. Someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good. It's a reason why she loved him so much.

She laid right next to him and started to softly stroke his hair. Her eyes did cast downwards a few times, admiring his impressive physique......along with other things.

But before long, Peter started to stir in his sleep, which allowed Wanda to release a sigh of relief. His eyes blinked open and he surveyed his surroundings before his chocolate orbs rested onto Wanda.

"Hey." He said with a drowsy tone. He tried to get back up, but Wanda held him down.

"Don't get up." she said. "Lay down for a little bit." 

"Where are we?" he asked, looking around.

"Back in the apartment. You lost consciousness after you separated from the symbiote." Wanda explained. Peter then looked down as the memories started to coming back to him.

"The bell tower. Agatha. The symbiote. How long ago was that?" he asked.

"Actually just a few minutes ago. But I brought you here to rest. And since you didn't have a suit on, I figured you wouldn't want everyone to stare at you with no clothes on. I know I wouldn't want that for you." Wanda explained.

Peter let out a small chuckle when he sensed Wanda's protective tone in her voice. It was incredibly satisfying to hear the woman he loves being so protective over him.

"Peter, why did you have the suit to begin with?" Wanda asked after a couple of minutes of silence. "I thought you got rid of it."

"So did I." Peter said. "Apparently the extra suit in my closet was the symbiote. It managed to find its way back to the apartment and hide in my closet disguised as one of my Spider-Man suits."

"Hmph." Wanda said, looking away in disgust. "The nerve. But I have to say that was very resourceful"

"Yeah. But now we know what to do if it comes again." Peter said. And then something else boggled his mind. He thought about what Agatha said to him about the Peter Parker in her universe. And then his mind drifted back to that dream he had where Doctor Strange died and Wanda attacked him in the middle of a destroyed New York City. He had a bad feeling that the two were intertwined. "Hey believe what Agatha said? About in her universe that you were the one to kill me?"

Wanda remained silent for a moment. At first she did not want to believe it at all. That she would do something as horrible as that. But then she reminded herself that she was capable of such a feat.

"I really don't know Peter." Wanda said. "But the good thing is that whatever happened in that universe, it means nothing to us here."

Peter grinned at Wanda. "Now there's the optimistic Wanda that I love." he remarked, pulling her face closer to his before sharing a tender kiss with her. The two separated shortly afterwards.

"As much as I would love to continue this with you, you need to rest some more." Wanda said with a smirk.

"Oh, rest is overrated." Peter said, waiving it off. Wanda only chuckled and got off the bed and headed towards the door.

"Get some sleep babe." Wanda said with a loving smile before she closed the door behind her.

Peter chuckled to himself as laid back down. 'She called me babe.' he thought blissfully as his eyes closed.

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