Chapter 4

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Peter was getting his food ready back at his apartment, when his phone started to ring. "Hello?" He asked.

"Hello, Mr. Parker?" The voice said on the other end.

"Yes, this is he." Peter replied.

"This is Brianna from the Daily Bugile. We're calling about your status for our photographer position." Brianna's voice came.

Peter nearly dropped his bowl of cereal at the news. "Uh......alright, sure. What's the status?" He asked.

"Can you come over to the Bugile by 10 today for the status?" Brianna said.

"Sure! Absolutely!" Peter said.

"Great! See you soon then." Brianna said before hanging up.

"Alright Pete, double time!" Peter said to himself, wasting no more time getting to his food.


Hurrying into the Bugile, he boarded the elevator and straightened his clothes as best as he could. Stepping out, he once again was met with the smiling face of Brianna.

"Ah, hello Mr. Parker. Right this way." she said to him. Once again she led him straight to Jameson's office. This time around, Peter knew what to expect from him so he prepared for the worst.

"Hello Mr. Jameson." Peter said with a smile.

"Parker. Sit down." Jameson said, and Peter did just that. "You're probably expecting a bunch of who-ha and a long speech. But I'm gonna cut straight to the chase. You got the job kid."

"Wait....w-what?!" Peter asked, incredulously.

"You heard me kid you got it, you passed, congrats. Now get out of my office." Jameson said, going to his computer.

"Thanks Mr. Jameson! Thanks! You won't regret this!" Peter said as he exited.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." was the last thing Peter heard before the door shut.

"Congratulations Mr. Parker." Brianna said. "Here's a packet with all of the information for the job. Any questions you have after reading that can be answered here."

"Thank you Brianna." Peter said with a nod and a smile. He then took the packet and headed out of the building. But before he could exit, he nearly ran into that Brock guy again. "Hey, I saw you this time!" Peter joked around.

"Hey, yes you did." Brock said. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Eddie Brock." he held out his hand for Peter to shake, which he did.

"Peter Parker." Peter said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Peter." Brock said with a grin. "Now I'd love to stay and chat but I have some important business I need to take care of." he added, motioning up. They must have called him for his status of a job too.

"Alright. See you around." Peter said with a smile, before heading outside of the Bugile.

He felt like he should celebrate. He got a job! And all by himself! After all the things that had gone wrong for him as of late he had finally gotten a shred of something positive in his life. Now he can pay his rent and maybe one day look to get a house in the city.

But his happiness was short lived as he passed by a nearby park. There sitting on the bench was MJ. And she was under the arm of another guy and laughing. The joy that had previously filled Peter had suddenly evaporated as he then watched them share a kiss with each other. Not being able to take another second of this, Peter just swiftly walked away.

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