Chapter 6

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One Week Later

Peter and Wanda had started growing a stronger bond with each other since they became friends. Since they had a mutual understanding of what it was like to lose everything and everyone they care about, it was relativity easy for the two to make a stable connection.

Peter learned more about Wanda's love for music, especially with a guitar. She even used her powers, albeit hesitantly, to generate a guitar for Peter to practice on. For the most part he did okay. Granted, he broke a couple of strings along the way, but he was steadily improving.

Meanwhile Wanda has taken a new interest in Peter's love for Star Wars. In fact, they were watching Episode four on the couch together.

"So the whole thing started off with the fourth episode?" Wanda asked, trying to make sense of it all.

"Yep. Episodes four, five and six came first. Then came one, two and three. And as far as the sequel you know what it's probably better you don't see that." Peter explained.

Wanda raised a brow at Peter's comments, and they continued to watch the movie. They had gotten to the part where Luke and Leia start......connecting with each other. Wanda then turned to Peter.

"I think those two would be a good couple." She commented. "I'm willing to bet that they're gonna get together." Peter stifled a laugh in response. "What?" She asked.

"I don't think that's gonna materialize." He said. And then they saw the two kiss quickly on scene and Wanda quirked a brow at Peter.

"Still think it won't materialize?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure." Peter said with a grin, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Wanda instantly knew that he was hiding something, so she used her powers to read his mind. But when she did, all she could see was cupcakes and waterfalls. She narrowed her eyes at him.

He purposely thought about other stuff so that she couldn't read his thoughts on Star Wars.

'Clever.' she thought to herself, as they continued to watch the movie.

Once they finished, Wanda expressed her thoughts on the movie. "You know Peter, at first I thought that this would be a decent little series that you were gonna show me. But I have to say.....I am impressed." she said.

"Glad to hear." Peter said. "But this is just the tip of the iceberg Wanda. This is just one movie! We're talking about an entire franchise here!" he added with excitement. It made Wanda giggle. He resembled a child when they were about to go to Disneyland. Always so full of happy energy. He's so cute when he's like that.

Wait what? 'Get it together Wanda! He's a friend!' she thought to herself.

"Well I'll be looking forward to seeing the rest of the movies with you." Wanda said with a grin.

'Always so full of curiosity.' Peter remarked in admiration. And she was even willing to laugh at some of the jokes he made.....even when they're not all that funny. For someone who recently went on a villainous streak, she was incredibly kind and considerate. Not to mention she's incredibly beautiful as well.

'Parker, no!' he thought to himself. His heart already belonged to MJ. But then again......she already has feelings for someone else. But if she were to remember, then.....maybe.......

Peter inwardly sighed as he realized once again he was being selfish. MJ's safety was more important than his own personal happiness. But where does that leave Wanda though? Was he developing feelings for her? Should he be developing feelings for her? Would he be betraying MJ by doing so?

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