Chapter 25

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My eyes wandered to Ash sitting next to Kieran. Since we arrived he did not look up from his phone for even a second. I used that opportunity to look at him carefully.

In person he was even more attractive than in the pictures I saw or from the distance at the concert Josy and I had been to. His black hair fell onto his face since it had not been styled. The nostril piercing shone in the dimmed light and he played with his teeth on one of the two lip piercing he also had. Both were on the same side.

After several attempts by Kieran to catch Ash's attention he elbowed his side. Ash winced and his phone fell out of his hand. Annoyed he bend over to grab it from the ground.

»What the fuck is wrong with you?« Ash growled at Kieran.

»Don't you want to at least greet our guests?« Kieran asked but Ash just rolled his eyes.

»Do I have to?« Ash countered. He did not seem to be too excited to meet us at all.

»That would at least be polite« Kieran replied. Ash snorted and ran his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face.

»You invited them so it's not my deal to entertain them« He just returned and concentrated on his phone again.

Something in me broke. I was so keen on meeting them and so happy to have that opportunity. I dreamed about that day and really thought, that they would be friendly but I was totally wrong with this.

»Shut the fuck up, I want to work here« The producer interrupted both of them.

It got totally silent so I looked up to listen to Sam and Patrick playing. After some time it was Kieran's and Ash's turn so they changed places.

I tried to distract myself from my thoughts by listening to Kieran playing and Ash singing. His voice gave me shivers all over my body. His voice was deep and rough and he sang the lines of that new song with so much anger that I was almost scared tat he would kill everyone in this room. His screaming gave me goosebumps. It was even more impressive than at the concert some weeks ago.

I stared at him and just got distracted by Josy elbowing my side. I winced what made her laugh. Sam also started laughing, Patrick on the other hand seem to not had noticed what happened. He made the impression to me that he was a very shy guy.

»What's wrong?« I asked uncertainly.

»It's cute how you look at Saxton« Patrick answered and smirked. Sam bit is tongue to stop himself from laughing. Apparently they are calling him by his surname.

»I just think he's very talented« I said to hide the fangirl inside of me.

»And rude« Josy added and rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and leaned back in the sofa. I still sat on the arm rest.

»Oh, that's pretty normal when we're recording. Later he will be more normal« Sam replied amusedly.

»Why is he in such a bad mood while recording?« Josy asked. Sam and Patrick looked at each other for some moments until Sam cleared his throat.

»To get more emotions to his singing. I think CJ knows what I'm talking about« He explained. I nodded when I thought about his statement.

»The best recordings were made when I had a fight with Heather before or she did something stupid again« I agreed.

Some time went by until the producer leaned back in his chair. Kieran stored his guitar inside a case cluttered with stickers. Ash already left the recording room and also the room we sat in before Kieran also left the recording room.

He put down the case and smiled at me.

»Either I'll give you the address or I'll go with you« He said. Taking him with us was the better option in my opinion as I did not know LA that well.

»I'll squeeze myself onto the back seat« Josy offered when she realized what my choice would be. Together we left the building and got to a black van they put the instruments in. Ash was talking to Sam and seemed to not have noticed us.

»I don't know at all why Kieran invited her over. Just look at her. She will never be successful in that business« Ash said what made my heart break. Not just that he was unfriendly from the beginning. He was also insulting me even though he did not know anything about me. I froze and looked at him with big eyes filled with pain.

»We can hear you« Kieran reminded him. Even he seemed angry about Ash's comment but he just snorted.

»Even we started as a garage band and had to fight hard to get where we are now. Show some respect« Kieran added and put his guitar case into the trunk of the Van. Nobody said anything anymore.

While Sam, Patrick and Ash had a seat in that car, Kieran followed us to dad's white coupé. Josy got to the back seat on my side as I changed my shoes again.

Kieran looked at me amusedly, I just shook my head laughing.

»I can't drive with that boots on« I admitted laughing while I just wanted to cry inside. In that moment I would have preferred to just drive home. I forced myself to behave like that comment by Ash did not hit my as hard as it did. I just folded back the front seat so I could get inside the car.

When I started the car, loud music started playing. Immediately, I turned down the volume while my face probably went dark red.

»Just let the music playing. I like your style of music« he admitted and pointed at the van I was supposed to follow.

During the ride all of us sang along the songs playing. Even Kieran had fun doing this and I had do admit that even he was a pretty good singer.

After some minutes we lost the van so Kieran had to guide us the way. Since I did not drive that often I was not very skilled at handling the traffic here. After all, it was still dad's car and I did not want to destroy it.

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