Chapter 39

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Until now nobody in my closer environment found out about my addiction and I was glad that it was like that. At this point everything went perfectly and I did not want that to stop.

Even though Ash still seemed mad at me since he did not contact me in any way since he found about my dad being my dad.

I looked up from my desk when he called me.

»What's wrong?« I shout back after he just called my name loudly from another room through my closed door.

»May you get the mail from the post office?« He shout back.

»Sure« I answered and stood up. I was dressed in an oversized black hoodie and also black see through tights. The shorts I wore were fully covered by the hoodie.

I stood up from my chair and left my room. Before I left the house I grabbed my keys and the key for dad's mailbox. To protect himself and his clients the address of the studio was not public. He just gave the address to his clients he already accepted and for years now that secret were still safe. To still be able to receive letters and so on he had a mailbox at the local post office where all the business mail went.

On my way I smoked a cigarette and tried to hide everything that would show who I was. I got paranoid since someone asked for an autograph when I was at the grocery store to get some potatoes. I had almost dropped the back when the girl touched my shoulder and squeaked into my ear. It still hurt that evening.

I played with the marker in my sweater pocket I had to buy that day. When I had told her that I did not have any pen to give her an autograph she insisted on buying one for me. She was kind of cute to be honest but way too turned up.

I had been so paranoid that day that I had waited next the the store until she had left the parking lot so I finally could have gone home.

Finally, I entered the post office and smiled at the employee behind the counter before I headed towards the mailboxes and opened dad's. She looked at me a bit strange, most like because I had the hood on my head. I pulled out a stack of letters I could barely hold with one of my hands. Luckily I brought a backpack I stuffed all of it in. I crouched on the floor trying to close the zipper when someone entered the shop.

I looked down again and absolutely felt jealous of Hannah Montana in the series. Not being recognized because of a wig had been a quite good idea.

Even though I was not that famous than some other people, the biggest problem was the place I lived. Everywhere around Los Angeles the people were seeking any kind of celebrity and even when you were not that famous, everyone assumes that you are and sometimes just acting like they knew you.

I felt uncomfortable in any of both cases.

Dad was lucky. He was famous more than 20 years ago and did not look like he looked back then anymore. His hair got grayish, his beard was longer and his belly bigger now. On his clothes you could still see that he was a rock fanatic. Most of the time he wore his black leather vest combined to almost anything you could find in his closet.

Finally the backpack was closed and I could leave the store. I went home and closed the door behind me when I arrived. I entered the kitchen and looked through all the letters to sort them after applications and other letters. I drew my eyebrows together when I found a letter with my name written on.

I got a knife from the counter and opened the envelope. I pulled out the letter and skimmed the text written on it.

Dad entered the kitchen.

»Why are you opening my letter?« He asked and sat down on the dining table and looked at the sorted letters.

»It's for me« I replied and continued reading it.

»What does it say?« He asked and looked up to me. I handed him the letter because I did not how to express what was written there.

»I'm so proud of you« He said and smiled honestly. I also smiled and took the letter back.

»I'll frame that« I said happily what made him laugh.

I, to be honest Corentine, Josy and I, were actually nominated for a music award for the best collaboration song and I was also nominated for the best newcomer, the same category Blush was nominated for.

Excitedly, I sent a picture of the letter to Josy. Since she did not sent me one of a letter she received she might had not received one yet.

Instead of a happy answer, Josy just asked me to come over. When she was writing like this I knew that something was wrong.

»I'm going to Josy, okay? She needs me« I informed dad about my plan and left the house again. Now, to get to Josy's home.

I arrived there shortly after and rang the door. She opened and I could see tears in her eyes.

»Hey, what happened?« I asked immediately and hugged her tightly. She snorted.

We went in and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Her parents were apparently not home so we were alone.

»Felix dumped me« She whined. I hugged her even tighter to cheer her up.

»Why?« I asked and caressed her back while she was still crying.

»He doesn't like the way I'm developing with that music stuff and told me to choose between him and you« She told me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

I handed her a tissue from the table so she could clean her nose.

»Of course I told him that I would never choose any guy over my best friend, especially not when he tells me to choose but I still liked him really much« She added.

»He isn't worth any of your tears. He is the one who has the loss he will regret for the rest of his life while you live your life, do what you want to, be happy any find an even better guy. You know what? We don't need any men in our lives« I said. She smiled a bit and wiped away her tears.

»You have Ash and I don't have anybody« She said and looked down again.

»Oh come on. I don't have Ash« I laughed. She shook her head.

»You like him. Just ask him on a date« She suggested.

»I'm here for your love problems, not mine. And he would never go on a date with me. I can't date a celebrity« I replied.

»You're also a celebrity« She contradicted.

»Josy, just shut up. Nobody of us talks about any male human being tonight, okay? Let's watch some horror movies to cheer you up«

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