Chapter 28

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The time just flew by and my alcohol level raised. Soon it got too cold to stay outside any longer so we moved inside again. Ash turned up the volume inside while we continued drinking. We talked about everyday topics what made it even more ridiculous. After all, Josy and I were in a room with our favorite band of all time and we talked with them about things like less good tasting food in comparison between two grocery stores.

»What's that band called you're in?« Kieran asked after some time went by. He seemed curious and looked at me with dog eyes.

»You'd laugh at us« Josy replied laughing took a drag from the cigarette in her hand. I did not know at all where she got that from and since when she was smoking more frequently.

»I promise that I won't laugh« Sam swore. The others also agreed on not laughing so I gave them the name of the band.

»Who the fuck came up with that name?« Ash laughed when he got on the Spotify profile.

»Our band leader and our bassist liked it too« I explained and leaned over to Ash to choose a song for him since he was deciding for some moments now. He looked at me surprisedly but did not say anything.

My face went red when I realized how close I was to him in that moment. Even our arms touched.

»That's worse than usual pop songs« Patrick determined and looked at one of the empty bottles on the table bored.

»I almost fall asleep« Kieran added and run his fingers through his hair. Sam yawned to underscore Kieran's statement.

»Okay, okay, I turn on something better« Ash laughed and turned on his playlist again we already listened to for the entire evening but that fact did not annoy me, I liked his taste.

When a song was playing I really liked I started singing along silently. Usually I was not confident enough to sing in front of people out of Josy and maybe dad. I still did not know how I was able to sing at the Mayflower festival for thousands of people. Now I blamed the high amount of alcohol in my blood for that confidence.

I winced when Ash joined singing. I got more self-assured because of that so I started singing more powerful. I did not realize Josy filming us until the song ended. I looked at her angrily while she just laughed.

Ash wrapped his arm around my shoulders. In the first place I was surprised but I enjoyed him being close to me.

»You don't have to be ashamed of your voice, it's incredible« He whispered in my ear what gave me goosebumps.

I leaned back onto his shoulder. The alcohol made my thoughts foggy so I could not think about what I was doing properly. I laughed uncertainly when he looked at me with a mysterious twinkle in his eyes.

Suddenly he pulled me nearer before his lips touched mine. I leaned my right hand on his left thigh while he grabbed my right leg with his left hand to pull it onto his lap while we were still kissing.

My head nearly exploded so did my heard. He tasted like alcohol and smoke but this did not annoy me at all.

After some moments we stopped kissing. When I opened my eyes I saw Ash laughing. I followed his look and saw everyone in this room out of us two staring at us.

My face went red and I immediately moved away from Ash. I was ashamed of what just happened. I mean, Ash actually kissed me. At that point I was pretty sure that I was just dreaming everything.

I took my glass from the table which was still full just to drink the whole drink at once. I did not even look at Ash for the rest of the evening. I felt uncomfortable that I apparently looked like I was easy to have. On the other side, that was what I dreamed of for years.

It was already 3 am when we decided that we were tired.

»You can stay here if you want to. Two can sleep in the guest room and three on the sofa« Ash told us.

»Josy and CJ can have the guest room« Kieran said and smiled at me.

I felt a warm breathe on my ear before Ash who leaned forward towards me started talking.

»Or you sleep in my bed if you want to« He whispered in my ear. Shivers went down my spine.

»Uhm... the guest room is fine I guess« I stuttered and stood up. »I'll go get our bags from the car.«

Kieran also stood up as he wanted to come with me so I would get inside the penthouse again later.

»I'll go with her« Ash said instead and joined me inside the lift. I swallowed.

The doors closed and we were alone in here.

»You don't have to be scared or ashamed or whatever. I would never do something you don't want« He promised. In his voice you could hear how drunk he was. I nodded without saying any word.

When we arrived at the underground car park I staggered towards the car we got here with. I unlocked it and opened the trunk when I reached the car. I leaned onto the car to breath in and out deeply. Everything was spinning around in circles.

Ash took both bags and rubbed my back until I felt better. I closed the trunk and turned around to face Ash. Only now did I realize how tall he actually was. I looked up to his face just to see that he was biting his lip. Unconsciously, I licked over my upper lip.

He grabbed my waist to push me against the back of the car. His lips hit mine again and I clearly enjoyed it. I grabbed his neck to pull him closer to me.

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