Chapter 13

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I yawned when I woke up in the morning. The first thing I did was plugging in my earphones and starting to play my playlist. Energetically I stood up from my bed and headed to my dresser to change my outfit. I chose a tight black leggings and one of the t-shirts I collected at the concerts I already been to.

I had the urge to play my music on the speaker but I did not know if Dad was already awake so I did not. I made two high braids wich just contained some of my hair just to keep it away from my face. A look in the mirror showed me that I had to bleach my roots again soon. My natural hair color was already visible again.

My phone vibrated so I took it from the dresser in front of me. Dad texted me. 'Breakfast is ready'

Smiling I put my earphones back and left my room.

'I know you don't like TikTok but you have to watch this'

I drew my eyebrows together. What was Josy talking about? I sat on the kitchen table for breakfast with my father when I received the message by Josy. I tapped on the link she sent me.

»You know I don't like it when you use your phone while eating« Dad reminded me.

»That's important« I answered with my mouth full. I swallowed before I started the video.

»That's one of our songs« I realized and laid down my bun to the plate. Dad seemed to be even more confused than me. I went back to the chat with Josy because she sent me some more messages.

»What's going on?« Dad asked inquisitively. I raised my index finger to keep him shut while I read the messages.

»Christina« Dad continued.

»Shut up, I'm reading« I interrupted him. He grunted.

»Josy just told me that one of the new Blush songs gets used on many videos on TikTok and is part of a new trend there. Nobody of us uses TikTok out of Josy sometimes and she just discovered it. It's possible that this is our breakthrough« I explained. Dad's eyes got big.

»May I get the car? We have a band meeting and Josy's car is still at the repair shop because of her brakes« I asked and took the last bite.

»Sure. Congrats« He replied and smiled at me.

»Thank you, Dad« I said before I stood up.

»Love you, see you later« I added before I went to the front door. Dad had much to do today so he followed me to enter the studio.

»Drive carefully« He reminded me and handed me the keys. I pressed a kiss on his cheek and put on my shoes.

Heather told us to come to her as soon as possible so I got in the car to pick up Josy on my way. In fact, I did not know why we needed a band meeting because of a TikTok trend with one of our songs but when Heather commanded something I did not dare to refuse.

»How did you even realize the trend?« I asked when Josy entered the car.

»Hello there« She interrupted me. I bit my tongue to not reply with 'General Kenobi' in that situation. That would only make it ridiculous.

»Hey« I replied instead and left the street she lived in behind.

»One of the videos was on my for you page and I looked up who also used the sound and that were so many, that's impressive« She told me.

I parked on the driveway in front of Heather's house. Her dad seemed to be at work so I could use the space. We went to the door which Heather opened before we were able to rang.

»Marla is still sick« She said while we entered the living room.

»Whats the reason for the meeting?« I asked. I kept standing while Josy and Heather sat down at the couch.

My voice was still hoarse and I sounded like a boy's voice breaking. And that went on for more than a week now. The last time I was hoarse this long was after my graduation trip to Mexico. I had never been drunk that long and that hard ever before or after.

»We need to participate in that trend too« Heather decided even though she did not know what the videos were about.

»Maybe I should show you the videos before« Josy said like she had read my thoughts. I went behind them und looked over their shoulders onto Josy's phone. She showed the videos.

Heather was more turned up than I could take so I was glad when we had the chance to leave. She told us many ideas she had but I barely listened to her. The pitched high voice of her excited self was unbearable.

Josy asked to stay at my place to watch some movies. She hated to be alone and took every chance to have some company. We entered my room where I switched on the tv. I handed her the remote so she could chose a streaming platform and a movie while I changed into something more comfortable.

»What did you choose?« I asked and sat down next to Josy. I got some snacks from the kitchen and Softdrinks from the fridge. She poured some of it into the glasses on the table. I started laughing when I saw what she chose.

We watched the trashy movie she chose. I already knew it just like her so I took my phone after some time. I drew my eyebrows together when I saw the message I got.

»You'll never guess who texted me« I said skeptically. Josy turned her head in my direction.

»Who?« She asked. I showed her my phone with the texts I got from my ex boyfriend.

»'I thought about what happened and hope that you'll give me another chance'? Is he serious?« She laughed. I started laughing too and thought about an answer.

»Why does he text me now? And what did he think about? He cheated on me« I said.

»Maybe he realized your success and wants you back to be a celebrity's boyfriend« Josy suggested laughing. I nearly died because of my laughter.

'The only thing that tastes good reheated is food' I answered him when we caught each other again. I laughed tears before because we imagined the wildest scenarios why he had texted me.

My ex boyfriend was very good looking and I started dating him because he was one of the few people who were nice to me. He liked the same music, was some years older than me and tattooed but he did many illegal things. I liked that dark side of him until I found out that he cheated on me for a long time.

I broke up with him in the most aggressive way I ever spoke to anyone and it was not a bright day in my life. Luckily I was over him quickly.

While Josy entered the bathroom I opened Instagram on my phone. Wyatt texted me so I opened the chat with him. 'I did not know that your voice sounds that incredible until now. Do you want to record a song together soon?'

My eyes got big while I stared on the message until Josy came back. Without thinking about the consequences I agreed.

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