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Her day couldn't have started any worse. And by that, Ollie Bloom meant that it started way too early.

She had been a firefighter for years now, so she was supposed to be used to waking up early so that she could go off and work twenty-four hour shifts, but it would never be easy for her to get going the minute her eyes opened. Plus, today was her first shift as an official double-certified firefighter paramedic, so the nervous feeling swirling in her stomach made her want to call in sick and stay in bed.

Sadly, Robert Nash, her new captain, probably wouldn't appreciate that very much, and she couldn't risk getting on his bad side before they've even worked a shift together. She had only seen him when she had come in for an interview, and she hadn't even met any of her coworkers yet. They had all been off when Captain Nash had both interviewed and hired her.

The coworker part didn't bother her, though. She'd know them at work for twenty-four hours, and then she'd leave them for a good forty-eight hours by herself. That's it.

Ollie stared at the ceiling. It was so early that the sun had just barely started to rise, but she needed the extra time to get ready before she walked to work. She was just about to get up when the door to her bedroom was slammed open, and an annoyed groan left her lips as she pulled her white duvet up over her eyes. "Ellis, no."

Before she could even finish her demand, a body was landing on her bed beside her, an arm draping lazily over her waist. "Get up, Olivia, you have work today. A new job, my little firefighter!" Ellis cooed, pulling back her cover with her hand and grinning at her. Her abrupt landing on her mattress had made the strands at the front of her messy head of hair fall over her eyes, and she reached over to flick them out of the way.

"Fuck off." She responded, before furrowing her brows. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Haven't slept." Ellis chirped, moving so that she could situate himself under her blanket, laying her head on her pillow. "You have a better bed and a darker room. I was gonna steal it from you when you left, which is why I am ready for you to leave. Go! Get ready! I wanna see you in your firefighter gear, sexy girl!"

Ollie laughed, pulling her blanket back and subsequently yet purposefully tossing it over her best friend's face. "Shut up." She stood up, gripping her bed frame so that she could turn around and crack her back. Then, she made her way to her closet, pulling out her button-up and work pants before turning around to show it to the girl on her bed, beaming in pure pride for herself.

Ellis whistled loudly, clapping her hands. "That's my girl! Now go get dressed!"

She rolled her eyes before turning for her en-suite bathroom. There, she stripped out of her pajamas and slid on her uniform for the first time, adjusting it in all the spots it clung to her tightly. After she buttoned up all of her buttons and fastened her belt on her hips, she brushed her teeth and brushed out her hair before throwing it in a ponytail.

After applying minimal make-up to make sure she didn't look dead, she stepped out, smiling at the sight of Ellis sleeping soundly on her bed. She was exceptionally quiet as she slid on her work boots, bouncing on her toes a bit to test how comfortable they were, before nodding in acceptance and glancing at herself in the mirror. Usually, firefighters would show up in normal clothes and change at the station, but with her walk, she didn't think she'd have time when she got there.

Ollie knew it would be extremely hot when she did start walking, so she had put a water bottle full of ice in the fridge the night before. She had also kept her overnight bag for her shift light so that it didn't stick on her and make her sweat. It was just her luck that she was starting when Los Angeles had a horrible heatwave, and she wished with all of her heart that she could just take an Uber.

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