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   Her mouth was insanely dry, her body felt numb and yet ached all at once, and pulling her eyes open seemed to be the biggest fight of her life.

    It took a while for her ears to realize that she was conscious, sounds starting as faint ringing before crescendoing into what they really were. A faint beeping and soft whispering slowly flooded her senses, the smell of clean hitting her nose. They were all too familiar, her eyes immediately shooting open.

    "Miss Bloom?" Someone spoke, hands immediately falling on her arm. "Miss Bloom, we'll need you to sit still. You're in the hospital, but you'll be okay. You just had surgery, you need to calm down."

    Her eyes focused enough to notice the nurse next to her, but she kept throwing her arms, trying to push her off. "Maddie. Where's Maddie?" She rasped, her limbs feeling like gelatin, too weak to actually get the woman attempting to keep her in bed away from her.

    Ollie wrestled with the nurse for a moment before Buck was suddenly barreling his way into her room, his hands finding her shoulders. She repeated her question, eyes stinging with the lingering threat of tears, throat dry and causing the words to break as they hit the air. "Evan."

    "Olivia, lay down." He soothed, warm hands leading her to lay back down on the hospital bed. His hair was mussy, falling in multiple different directions, and his face was sullen, usually bright blue eyes reddened and puffy. He was not okay. She could tell. And that made her heart drop more.

    After he got her settled back down and the nurse had snuck something into the IV prodding into her elbow, her eyes grew half-lidded again, finding him sadly. "Where's Maddie?" She whispered again.

    Evan's hand found her hair, smoothing it down as he leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of her head. "She's okay. Chimney's okay. You're all okay." He murmured, his breath brushing against her skin as he held her close. "Everything is gonna be okay."

    Her hand reached out to grab a hold of his shirt, keeping her close the best she could. A soft silence fell over them for a moment before she moved to look up at him. "What happened to me?"

    "Uhm..." He trailed off, clearing his throat as he slowly lowered himself into a chair next to her bed, which she noticed had already been placed there. His hand trailed down from her hair to find hers, wrapping around it securely.  "I found you and Chimney after Doug did. You died, but you came back. I-I rode with you to the hospital, but then I had to go find Maddie. While I was gone, you had surgery. From what I understand of the medical blabbery, they had to remove part of your liver, but it shouldn't affect much. The rest of your surgery was just to clear up internal bleeding. You've been asleep since then."

    Olivia's brow furrowed after he trailed off, head feeling heavy against the pillow. "How long was I asleep?"

    "Three days." Buck responded, giving her a small smile. "You were tired."

    "Being stabbed will do that to you." She responded dryly, sighing as she leaned her head back against the pillow, staring at the ceiling.

    He stayed quiet beside her for a moment before lifting her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. "I'm glad you're okay." He murmured against her skin. "S-since I knew Maddie and Chim were okay, I haven't left. I was afraid you weren't gonna wake up. T-they said it was a possibility."

    Ollie's eyes moved to find him again, a small smile pulling at her lips. "You really think I'd let you get off that easily, Buckaroo?" She whispered, thumb brushing against the back of his hand.

    Evan laughed, shaking his head. "I hoped you wouldn't." He responded earnestly, fixating her with an adoring glance.

    She stared back at him for a moment with a gentle moment before she removed her hand from his, adjusting herself in her bed with a soft groan before patting the bed beside her. "Come here."

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