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"I broke up with Abby." Evan groaned as soon as he pushed his way into her apartment, leaving Ollie staring after him in shock and slight annoyance.

    "Hi, Evan. I'm having a great day, Evan. No, Evan, you can't come into my apartment, I want to be alone. Okay, fine, Evan, you can come into my apartment." She rattled on, turning and watching him move into her living room, plopping down on the couch like he owned it. "Good for you. You should've done that."

    He let out a huff as his shoulders hit the cushions, head laying on the armrest like he was in therapy. "It felt good, when I did it. But we had a call today. A lady pointed a gun at me while she was standing in a robe on a traffic sign, just to get her husband to notice her. Can you imagine that?" The question was half rhetorical and so she decided not to answer at all. "Being married to someone for over a decade and your relationship dwindling down to nothing?"

    Ollie sat down in the little gap on the couch between his foot and the other armrest, pulling her legs up to her chest as she listened to him. A part of her wanted to laugh at how anguished he was at this fact, but she decided it was probably better not to. "Glad you didn't get shot," is the only thing she could think of saying, giving him a thumbs-up and a smile.

    "Thanks, Ol." Buck grunted, his voice flat. He suddenly sat up, staring straight at her. "If you ever see me in a relationship where the light has died in my eyes, take me out. However you please."

    She laughed, rolling her eyes. "As amazing as that sounds, no. Just don't be with anyone that doesn't always bring you light, Buckaroo." Her fingers entangled with each other nervously, just the awkwardness of giving her ex-boyfriend relationship advice weighing on her shoulders. "You need a match to spark your spunky ass." She scoffed.

    He sighed, staring at the ceiling for a moment before nodding. "You're right. You're right."

    "Not a rare thing." She muttered sullenly.

    Evan rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Okay, anyways. I think I'll go out tonight. Ask Chimney if he wants to go. Get out there and meet people." He declared, looking around her apartment as if he was making a grand gesture before his attention was pulled back at Ollie. "Do you wanna go?"

    Ollie gave him a blank look, eyes flickering from the boot on her ankle back to him. "You want me to go out again after knowing what happened last time?" Of course, she was only referring to the broken ankle, however she realized that her words had double meanings once a blush started creeping up Buck's neck towards his cheeks. "I think I'll be keeping both of my ankles safe in my apartment." She added quickly, leaning back against the cushions with a playful scoff.

    "Fine. But you're missing out." He responded, finally placing his feet on the floor so that he could get comfortable, arms draping over the back of the couch. "How are you doing, not being at work?"

    She groaned, throwing her head back. "Horrible. It'd probably be more bearable if Ellis didn't work crazy shifts but, alas, she does." Her complaints flew out of her mouth before she could stop them, rolling her head to glance back at him. "I tried walking to the store the other day, but I couldn't even get my jeans on, and I didn't want to go out with three day-old sweatpants on, so I immediately just laid in bed again."

    Buck's nose wrinkled, staring at her with a look of mock disgust. "You wore the same pair of sweatpants for three days?"

    Reaching out, her hand smacked against his bicep, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Watch yourself, Buckley, or I will break your ankle so you know how it feels." She threatened, pointing a finger at him.

    He laughed, pulling his arm back out of her reach. "Alright, alright, no more judging. But I can smell you from here." He huffed, unfortunately very serious. "Please go take a shower."

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