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"So, a Silver Star, huh?" Chimney questioned Eddie as soon as the fire truck was on the way, his eyebrows raising as he tried to indulge in all the new things. Ollie assumed her interrogation was en route, but she was too busy clenching the pants of her turnouts tightly in her fists until her knuckles turned white to worry about that.

    Eddie chuckled slowly. He had always been good at keeping his head. "Yeah." He kept his response short, turning to look back out the window.

    But Chim was persistent. "You save a platoon or something?"

    If Ollie wasn't too busy holding her breath so she didn't vomit all over Hen's lap every time the truck hit a bump in the road, she would've laughed. Buck wasn't too happy about his coworker fawning over the guy that he showed jealousy for, and his eyes never faltered from the daggers he was sending Eddie's way.

If looks could kill, Ollie would be wearing black and wiping away her running mascara.

In response, Eddie shook his head. "No, no, nothing like that. Just a convoy."

"Ever so humble." Ollie snorted, trying to keep her voice from shaking as she passed a glance over to her friend. Buck scoffed, visibly rolling his eyes before starting to mess with his fingers so he didn't have to look at anyone that was currently cherishing the guy he wanted to punch for no good reason at all.

Hen peeked at Buck's face, and a smirk twitched at the corners of her lips. "Eddie, uh, you heard about the hot firefighter calendar?" She questioned, leaning closer to the man, as if they weren't all wearing headphones that helped them communicate easier with each other while on the rig. In response, Buck gave her an incredulous look and Chimney shot back a smirk of his own, while Hen just gave an innocent grin, showing all of her pearly whites.

Eddie's eyebrows raised so high that Ollie swore they'd start to blend in with his hairline. "Sorry, what?"

"It's for charity!" Hen cheered, suddenly a lot more chipper about the idea of a sexy firefighter calendar now that it had become a truly bloodthirsty competition. Captain Nash laughed from the front seat, catching the jokes and doing nothing to stop it.

Buck was practically trembling with irritation, and he clenched his fist before interrupting the joke that he didn't find too funny. "So, is your full name Eduardo?"

Ollie let out a large cackle, her first outwardly reaction towards Buck since she had realized that he somehow had ended up her coworker. She blamed the way she let her guard down on the way-too-long car ride before immediately shutting down any reaction she had had, building back up the brick wall around her.

"No." Eddie answered shortly.

"Do people ever call you 'Diaz?'" Buck questioned again.

"Not if they want me to respond." He replied.

"Something's gotta give." Buck retorted. "We got... well, we got Cap, Hen, Chimney, Buck, Ollie. We can't just call you Eddie." He explained it as if it was the most sensible thing in the world, even though everyone around him knew it was just him trying to pick any type of fight. He was childish in that way. If Ollie's memory served her correctly, it was the way he had always been. Horribly stubborn and childish.

Eddie's attention moved towards Ollie, and the girl's lip tipped up at the corners at how she could practically feel the annoyance radiating off of Evan. "I can't tell if he's being serious or not."

Chimney snorted, including himself in what was supposed to be a one-on-one conversation. "I like to always operate under the assumption that nothing he says is serious."

Ollie let herself laugh at that one, shaking her head before tensing up when they hit a specifically rough dip in the road, closing her eyes and leaning her head back, trying to imagine that she was in an inflatable flamingo, floating in a pool or river rather than on a vehicle that weighed way more than she did. Once she got that tranquility back over her, she accidentally made eye contact with Buck, who was staring at her with the exact same look he had given her ten years ago.

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