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Ollie woke up a few hours later, her arms wrapped around the pillow that had formerly separated her and Buck and his temporary side of the bed empty. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes as she slowly returned back to the land of the living, letting out a soft groan as her arms pushed out in a stretch. As she awakened, her ears honed in on the familiar sound of talking, fear immediately taking over her body.

Quicker than probably recommended by her doctor, she flipped off the bed onto her feet, quickly dragging her ankle boot behind her as she moved as fast she could out of her bedroom. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of Buck and Ellis at the kitchen island, the former leaning on his elbows and smiling while Ellis hustled her way around the kitchen.

Her roommate had gotten home from her shift a while ago, Ollie noted. Ellis' brunette hair was falling loose over her shoulders, unruly from an entire 24-hour shift of being in a ponytail, and she had changed out of her blue scrubs into some sweatpants and a larger t-shirt. She looked angelic, bathed in the white light of the kitchen, and panic overtook when she realized that maybe Buck thought the same thing.

Body moving before she could think, she shuffled her way into the kitchen, running her hand through her hair as Ellis and Evan's eyes turned to her.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Ellis chirped, mischeviously grinning at Ollie as she looked between her and Buck. "Buck and I were just talking about you."

"Shut the fuck up." Ollie groaned, still too sluggish to want to deal with her roommate's Cupid tendencies.

Buck chuckled, eyes following her as she walked around him to sit on the barstool next to him. "How'd you sleep?" He asked, his voice soft.

She laid her head down on the island, shutting her eyes tightly. "Not enough and yet too much. I know the doctor said rest was good for me, but I don't think it's normal for a human to sleep as much as I have the past business week." Her head turned, cheek pressing against the cool granite countertops as she looked up at him.

He smiled back at her, shaking his head. "You're just not used to getting your eight hours everytime you close your eyes." He reminded her, reaching over to gently tap his fingers against her knee. "Don't get too used to it, you'll be back to fifteen to forty-five minute naps before you know it."

"I'm impatiently waiting." Ollie deadpanned, sitting back up and looking at Ellis, who was busying herself at a pot on the stove. "How was your shift, El?"

Ellis whipped around like she had been waiting for Ollie to include her the entire time, hair flying in a way that was definitely not sanitary for whatever she was cooking. "Amazing! I got to help a lady give birth!" She squeaked, hands waving in front of her as she spoke. "Usually I'd be upset that I wasn't scrubbing in on a huge surgery, but it was absolutely fantastic. The baby was so cute, his mom named him Liam."

Ollie's lips pulled into a big grin at her friend's excitement, nodding. "Sounds like you had a blast. Wanna celebrate with a dirty Shirley?" She cooed, getting up slowly and making her way to the refrigerator. Pulling the freezer open, she grabbed their trusty bottle of vodka, turning and raising her brows at Ellis, who just nodded excitedly.

'The best woman I know." Ellis grinned, before gesturing towards Buck. "By the way, I asked him to stay for dinner." She admitted, before setting the rubber spoon in her hand down. "We're having pasta! And I'm going to the bathroom before you kill me." Her hand raised to her mouth so that she could blow Ollie a kiss, giggling playfully as she turned and skipped out of the kitchen.

"She's a mess." Ollie muttered as she grabbed two glasses, turning to face Buck. "Do you want a dirty Shirley, Buckley?"

Buck raised a hand to stop her from grabbing another glass, shaking his head. "No, thank you." He smiled, his fingers intertwining into his own as he watched her pour into the glasses. "Hey, I'm sorry about just being thrown on you earlier. I guess Bobby spilled the beans to Athena about our... uh, situation and made assumptions for himself. And sorry for taking half of your bed. And asking you to accompany me." He nervously fidgeted, looking down at his hands.

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