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   With the Christmas holiday creeping up on everyone, calls recently had been crazy, coming in at a more rapid pace and becoming more wild and bewildering. While Ollie had originally been grateful to join the 118 due to their crazy calls, she was getting sick and tired of not even being able to take a nap at the station, her feet and body aching twenty-four seven. She didn't even like Christmas, for obvious reasons, and therefore she would be immensely grateful once the holiday had come and gone.

    Even without calls, the station was always moving. They had spent all week preparing for the LAFD's annual toy drive, decorating the firehouse until it looked like Santa's workshop, tinsel lining all of the staircase rails and a large tree propped up near the locker room. It almost made her want to throw up, especially watching Buck skip around with a Santa hat on his head, having the most joyous time of his life.

    Ollie was currently helping Chimney with passing out snacks, laying cookies on napkins and smiling as she handed it to a little boy. Buck skipped over from welcoming people in, a large grin lighting up his face as he put his hands on Chim and Ollie's shoulders. "God, I love Christmas."

    "You are the only one." Ollie grumbled, although she kept a bright smile on her face as she kept handing out the cookies that were getting colder and harder by the second.

    "Cheer up, Bloom. It's Christmas! Look at how happy these kids are!" Chimney piped in, chipper as always. His sunshine state was more of a shadow than a bright light in her life, constantly pulling all of her energy out of her, draining her of her energy. She had enough of the happiness at home, with Ellis' spunk, so having it at work, too, was a work in progress.

    She was just about to open her mouth to respond when a woman's voice hit her ears, her attention immediately turning in curiosity.

"... that doesn't end up with us in bed." The woman was saying, her eyes accusatory as she looked straight at Eddie. He stared at her for a second before turning, walking away as she followed behind him.

   Ollie's eyes widened as she slowly connected the dots, her lips moving into a perfect circle. "Oh. Oh. Oh, oh, oh." Her shock turned into amusement, a mischievous laugh bubbling in her throat. "No fucking way." Buck and Chimney's heads immediately whipped around to look at her, like vultures looking for any scrap they could get of context. She rolled her eyes, picking up another cookie. "It's his wife. Shannon." She stated matter-of-factly, popping a piece of the sweet treat in her mouth before turning around and walking away to busy herself elsewhere.

   Later that night, after she had gotten home from work and had had enough time to wind down after her shift, a small knock echoed from her bedroom door, opening soon after. Ollie looked up from the book in her lap, eyebrows raising as Buck stepped into her bedroom. "You must be hearing things, Buckaroo, because I did not say you could come in."

   "Ha, ha." He muttered sarcastically, leaning against her door frame and crossing his arms over his chest. "Chimney wants me to go with him to get a Christmas tree for Maddie. Do you want to come with us?"

   The look in his eyes told her that he wanted her to go, sighing as she set her book to the side. She crossed her legs, leaning forward and whispering softly. "Are you afraid to be alone with Chim? Is that what this is? Because he can't hurt you, you know."

   Evan rolled his eyes, groaning loudly as he turned around and stepped out of her room, closing the door behind him. "Be ready in ten, Olivia."

   "Make it fifteen and you got a deal!" She shouted through the wall, laughing lightly to herself as she rolled herself off of her bed to get dressed.

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