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A few days later, Ollie woke up in her bed, body still feeling the pain from the night before. With a dramatic groan, she rolled over onto her side, adjusting her leg so it wasn't uncomfortable tangled in her blankets. She closed her eyes again, attempting to fall back asleep, until her door was suddenly being thrown open and the side of the bed she wasn't sleeping on dipped.

"Olllliiiieeeee." Ellis sing-songed, leaning over her shoulder way too close for comfort. "Not to alarm you, but there is a pair of very delicious men in our living room right now asking for you. I had half a mind to tell them you were gone just so I could keep them all to myself, but then they told me that they worked with you and I figured out exactly who they are."

Ollie groaned, throwing a hand over her face. "You can have them. Eddie, Evan, get the hell out of my house!" She yelled the best she could, voice still gravelly from not speaking this morning.

Ellis laughed in her ear, moving off of the bed. "What she means by that is come into her room!" She cheered. Peeking her eyes open, Ollie watched in horror as her roommate held open her bedroom door, Buck and Eddie filing into her room as if they had lived there themselves.

She huffed angrily as she sat up, running her fingers through her hair and looking at them pointedly. Both of them were dressed casually, t-shirts that clung to their arms and jeans, and yet she couldn't help but agree with Ellis – they looked delicious. "What do you two goons want? Aren't you supposed to be mad at each other?" She deadpanned.

"We're friends now, actually." Eddie hummed, crossing his arms as Ellis stared at him like a dog with a bone. "Which means we check on you together. Because you're also our friend. How you feelin', hotshot?" He asked, moving to sit at the end of her bed.

"Oh, you know, just peachy. My body aches, my ankle hurts like a bitch and my roommate and my two coworkers just woke me up early as hell on my day off." She bluntly responded, eyes searing over the trio littering her room. "Can't have any peace in my own damn home."

Buck ignored most of what she said, leaning against her door frame, as if he was a vampire and needed to be invited in. "I told you you should go to the doctor for your ankle, Ollie."

In response, Ollie rolled her eyes, standing up and hobbling her way over to her closet. "And I told you that I'd rather shoot myself point-blank inbetween my two eyes than do that." Her hands moved through her drawers, grabbing a faded t-shirt and throwing it over her head to cover up her tank top before looking back at the crowd of people in her bedroom. "The EMT wrapped it for me, and it said it's most likely not broken. If it doesn't heal in a bit, I'll go ahead and continue wrapping it myself. Or I'll have the lovely Ellis steal some stuff from her work for me." She added, grinning at her roommate.

Ellis threw her hands up, shaking her head. "I am not risking my job for you. I'm a surgical intern, babe, you gotta know I have to side with the handsome men on this one." She remarked, giving Ollie a sheepish smile.

"If you keep calling Evan and Eddie handsome or delicious or beautiful or whatever it is, I am going to throw up before breakfast." Ollie retorted, moving into her ensuite bathroom to grab her toothbrush.

"Good thing I'm leaving, then! Gotta get to work. Love you! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Her roommate cackled, holding her hand up to her ears and mouthing 'call me' at Eddie before disappearing into the living room.

Buck's eyebrows raised as he glanced at Ellis' retreating form before at Eddie, a grin pulling at his own lips. "Looks like somebody's got an admirer." He sing-songed, moving to sit beside the other man and giving him a nudge with his elbow.

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