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A broken ankle.

Ollie had tried to kiss Evan Buckley and she had walked... limped out with a broken ankle. If that wasn't the universe saying something, then what was?

Due to her injury and the egregious amount of time she had spent in the ER with Buck, Captain Nash had given her the next two weeks off to sit around and wallow. On the first day of her medical house arrest, Ollie had cried in at least eleven parts of her apartment due to pure frustration, the boot on her broken akle thonking into multiple different items of furniture with every room she entered.

By the second day, she was already sick and done with hanging around her own apartment. She had sent dozens of texts to Eddie and Ellis, complaining about her boredom and how she wished, for the first time, that their shifts weren't 16-24 hours long. She had attempted to deep clean her bathroom, but had gotten exhausted by lugging around her boot with its extra weight.

Ollie was sprawled out on the couch, staring at the ceiling, when three sturdy knocks hit against her door. A soft groan left her lips at the idea of having to get up, hands raising to pull through her hair. She must've laid there for too long, judging by the fact that by the time she even thought about getting up, whoever was behind her door had knocked three more times.

She rolled off the couch until she was upright on her feet, hobbling her way over to the door with her foot making an obnoxious clunk against the ground every time she stepped on it. Surprisingly, she made it to the door quickly, her hand wrapping around the knob and pulling the door open slowly. "Sorry, I... Sergeant Grant?"

The officer was standing outside of her door, her hands on her hips as she stared into Ollie's soul. Athena had always been a scary woman, ever since Ollie had first met her, which only made her respect her more. But that respect had never stretched into a friendship, especially with her inaptitude to actually socialize with new people, which left Ollie extremely confused about seeing the cop at her door. "Can I help you?"

"Apologies, Firefighter Bloom, but I've been wrestling with him for about an hour now and I'm tired of it. Bobby told me you'd be home and probably bouncing off the walls and that you and Buck are friends, so..." Athena rambled, before stepping back and gesturing to the hallway.

"Buck? What?" Confusion painted all over her face, limping her way into the hallway and squinting as she noticed the man standing a little ways away, staring intently at the wall. "Isn't he supposed to be at work? Or home?" Her eyes widened as she turned to look at Athena. "Please tell me he did not get his ass arrested."

Sergeant Grant shook her head, sunglasses hiding her eyes even though Ollie could still tell that they were zeroed in on Buck. "No, but he's still stupid. Some people brought in pastries for the firefighters and everyone but Chimney had some. Your boy's high off LSD." She huffed, annoyance lacing her tone as she reached out, snatching the sleeve of Buck's shirt and yanking him over until he was standing right in front of Ollie.

A bright smile lit up his face as he recognized the woman in front of him. "Olivia! Hi, baby." He squealed, hands grabbing both sides of her face as he planted a way-too-wet kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes widened, eyes smacking at his chest and pushing him away. "Get off of me, you fool." She grunted, shoving him to the side and scoffing when he just pushed his way into her apartment, lumbering like a bear. "Why did you bring him to me? Can't he go with Maddie? I'm injured!"

"Bobby said that you'd whip him back into shape. It's your captain's orders, Bloom." The woman chuckled, a hand reaching forward to clasp her on the shoulder. "You'll be fine. He'll sleep it off soon." She reassured, giving Ollie a smile as she turned and walked away.

Ollie stared at the empty hallway in front of her for a good two minutes, screaming loudly in her head about how unfair the world was and what she did to deserve this. After her screaming fit was over, she turned around, eyes widening when she didn't see Buck's large body anywhere. "Evan? Where the hell did you go?"

Panic about what danger his LSD-induced state could bring to both him and her beloved items, she immediately started walking as fast she could around the apartment, not even phased by the fact her boot was bumping into the corners of every table and couches. After checking the kitchen and the living room, she stumbled into her bedroom, a heavy sigh leaving her lips when she saw Buck spread out over her bed, face down into her duvet.

"Buckley, take off your shoes if you're going to be on my bed." She huffed, rubbing at her face in newfound exhaustion. When he grunted back at her instead of moving, she simply undid the shoelaces of his work boots, ripping them off of his feet and throwing them on the ground. Her hand smacked against his calf as she stood up. "Move your ass. Get under the covers, at least. I don't need you complaining about being uncomfortable when you're sober."

"Man, Olivia, you're so lucky you're pretty, or I wouldn't be listening at all." Evan muttered, eyes barely opening as he rolled onto his back, lifting his legs so he could slide them beneath her duvet.

She stepped forward to pull the blanket out from underneath the mattress, pulling it up higher over Buck's chest. "What have I told you about calling me Olivia?"

He huffed, rolling onto his side and turning his back to her as he muttered back. "I called you Olivia for four years, I'm not just going to switch it up. Olivia makes you sound like a princess. You look like a princess." He aimlessly rambled, rubbing his cheek against her pillows as he got comfortable and sleepier.

Deciding that the argument could be had another time, Ollie simply patted his arm before turning to lumber her way out of her room. She had only made one step, foot clunking against the ground, before she heard Buck shuffle and felt a hand on her wrist.

"Where are you going?" Buck muttered sleepily, blue eyes squinted at her.

"The living room...?" She questioned, brow furrowing as she looked at him in confusion.

"Why?" He grumbled, rubbing at his face. "This is your room. Stay here."

Ollie turned around, not forgetting the fact that his hand was still wrapped around her wrist gently, her hand extremely still so that she didn't accidentally touch him. "You need to sleep, Evan, so you don't stay as high as a kite. I can go twiddle my thumbs elsewhere, really."

A very dramatic sigh left Evan's lips. "Yeah, but I don't want you to twiddle your thumbs elsewhere, I want you to twiddle your thumbs around me. Hold on, I'll get up, we will hang out." He grunted, grabbing the blanket covering his body and throwing it off of him.

"No, Buckley, I swear to God." She huffed, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over him. "Fine. I will sit with you until you fall asleep. Then I will go twiddle my thumbs."

Faster than she could think, he sat up, arms wrapping around her as he fell back, pulling her onto the bed. "You're not twiddling your damn thumbs." He giggled, flipping them over so her back was flush against his chest, his heavy arms wrapped around her like a boa constrictor.

She squealed as her feet were suddenly off the ground, a laugh leaving her lips before she could stop it, her fingers prying at his arms. "Evan, let me go! You are not sober." She groaned, pulling at his (admittedly) muscular arms. "I'm gonna kick you with my boot."

He let go of her almost immediately after she asked, giggling like a child as she rolled over and faced him. "Sorry, sorry." He apologized, blue eyes searching her entire face before he spoke again. "But will you stay? Please? You can stay on that side." To make his point, he scooted back further on the bed, grabbing one of the pillows beneath his head and sticking it between him and Ollie.

Ollie sighed, before nodding. "Okay. I'll stay. I need a nap anyways." She yawned, being very careful to watch her ankle as she slowly pulled the blanket up to cover her body. Tucking her hands beneath her chin, she gave Buck a small smile. "Get some rest, Buckaroo."

"I will, I will." He yawned in response, laying his head back down on one of her pillows. "Thank you, Olivia. And I missed you." He mumbled, already getting lulled away into sleep.

Her eyes fell to the pillow inbetween them, an almost pained smile pulling at her lips. "I missed you, too, Evan."

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