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   The inside of the bar was quite cramped, especially seeing as it was only around seven o'clock at night, but Ollie didn't mind it. Her favorite thing about bars was the ability to sit back and listen to people without it being too weird. Of course, there usually was a weasel of a man or two trying to woo her over, but they tended to leave her alone once she was silent long enough.

    The only part that gave her a bit of uneasiness was the fact that she was here with a lot of people. She walked in with Eddie hot on her heels, her eyes immediately zeroing in on Buck, Chimney and Maddie, who were taking up space in a booth in the back. Usually, she was in bars alone, enjoying the chance to be quiet while not stuck in her own forced silence. Now, she slid in the booth, sidling up beside Buck and ignoring the way his thigh pressed into hers as she became engulfed in the animated conversation Maddie and Chim were having.

    "I'm just saying, you should give me a key to your apartment. What's more fun than coming home to a random firefighter in your apartment?" Chim was saying, eyebrows raising as he stared at Maddie.

    Maddie's gaze stayed fixated on the other men, brow furrowing. "Stabbing myself in the arm." She snorted, before she looked at Ollie. "Nice to see you finally join the land of the awakened." She mused, although Ollie could sense the underlying tone beneath it.

    She gave her a strained smile before shaking her head. "Glad to be here. Have y'all ordered drinks yet?" She asked, brow raising. It was common knowledge that they had only been there a few seconds before Eddie and Ollie had arrived, but she just wanted to change the subject.

    "No, but we assumed it'd probably be better for someone to get up and go to the bar to get it." Chimney piped in, blissfully unaware of the slight tension laying heavily on the table. "Buck already offered to go."

    Eddie shrugged his shoulders from where he sat, sliding out of the booth. "I need to use the restroom, so he can find someone else to help him carry the drinks." He snickered, giving Ollie a look before turning to disappear in the small crowd.

    Without saying anything, Chim and Maddie turned to Ollie wearing matching grins, Maddie even batting her eyelashes to finish off the puppy looks. She threw her head back with a groan, wondering why the universe was battling against her as she stood up, smacking Buck on the shoulder. "Let's go then, blondie." She huffed, waiting for him to shuffle out of the comfy bench of the booth before turning and making her way towards the bar.

    Once she had sat in silence long enough to the point where it was concerning, Ollie looked at the boy next to her, brow furrowing slightly at the sight of the exhaustion on his face. "You okay, buddy?" She asked, leaning her elbows on the bar and looking at him.

    Buck's hand raised to brush over his face, a soft sigh leaving his lips. "Yeah, just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." He grumbled, blinking as he looked at her.

    "Are you sure you should be out right now? You know, you can sneak out right now, I won't say anything." She offered, throwing her thumb over her shoulder to gesture towards the door. "Chim and Maddie are too busy gawking at each other and Eddie's still in the restroom. You still have time to run."

    Evan laughed, shaking his head. "No, but thank you. I wouldn't get much sleep, anyways. It's weird, sleeping in Abby's bed in an empty apartment I don't own, you know?" He admitted, running a stressed hand through his already mussed hair. "To be honest, I've been thinking about moving out."

    Ollie's brow raised, a simple hand waving down a bartender as she turned her full body towards him. "Moving out. Does that mean breaking up, too?" She asked, trying to make her curiosity sound more reassuring than hopeful.

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