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   "Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Olivia! Olivia Bloom!"

    "Evan Buckley." Ollie sing-songed in annoyance from her place in the kitchen, setting down her coffee and looking up just as the man made his way through the threshold, a bag of something greasy in his hand. "Oh, breakfast?"

    He nodded, setting it down on the island. "Yes, but not the reason for me calling your name. Bobby and Athena got engaged. They are also throwing a party for Christmas. I know you don't do anything for Christmas, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go? It'll just be me, you, Hen, Hen's family, Bobby, Athena and their family."

    A soft hum left her lips as she grabbed the bag, unrolling the top and dipping her hand in to pull out one of the breakfast sandwiches. "You know, you just mentioned a lot of people like it wouldn't be that many people." Taking a bite, she let out a soft sigh, leaning her elbows on the counter. "Did Captain Nash even invite me? Or are you just gonna show up with me on your arm and let me lounge awkwardly in the corner?"

    Grabbing his own breakfast, he slid into one of the stools tucked underneath the island. "Come on, Ollie, this is off the clock, he's Bobby. And, yes, actually, he did invite you. He knows I'm staying here and has never heard you talking about family, so he drew conclusions. Plus, he has been on your ass about molding with the station more. Apparently, me, Eddie and Chimney are not enough."

    "Does he know I'm not the King of England and I don't need to wave hands at everyone that is in my presence?" Ollie scoffed, plucking a crumb off of the countertop in front of her and flicking it somewhere on the floor.

    Buck groaned, leaning forward to grip at her forearms. "Olliiiee. Please go with me. I cannot sit there around a bunch of families and do absolutely nothing but smile and chat with people either a decade older or a decade younger than me." He pleaded, eyes widening into a puppy-dog look as he looked up at her.

    She stared back at him coldly for a second before rolling her eyes. "I'm saying yes because I'm assuming there will be alcohol, not because you just gave me the worst puppy eyes I've ever seen. Thank you for the breakfast. Knock on my door when I need to start getting ready." She hummed, turning and walking out of the kitchen.

    Hours later, just before sunset, Ollie stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, hand smoothing along the front of the dress she had chosen. She knew that no one there would be wearing anything quite as professional, but she couldn't fight off the nerves swimming in her stomach. Being around people never frightened her, she didn't care what they thought – but being around people who invited her while barely knowing her was the most intense pressure she ever felt.

    She had spent the past hour trying clothes on, only to toss them onto her bed once she decided they were either too lax or too fancy. With a groan, she decided to just stick with the dress, sliding on some shoes quickly before grabbing her phone and slipping out of her bedroom door.

    "Evan. You ready?" Ollie asked as she stepped into the living room, ignoring the small clack of her shoes against the hardwood floors and the way it spiked her anxiety about how people would see her. She pushed down the nerves in her stomach with the condolence that she'd probably end up taking them off within the first hour, turning the corner to look at the man sitting on her couch.

    Buck seemed to wear the same thing every time he went out. A patterned or pretty jacket, a plain shirt, nice jeans and expensive shoes, usually in the color white. Out loud, she always joked with him that he didn't own anything but cool jackets. In her brain, everything turned to flames and screaming. His words muddled in her brain as he stood up, but she brushed it away by the time he made his way towards the front door, his keys in hand.

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