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   Slinking to Ellis' room, Ollie plopped face-down on her roommate's bed, letting out a soft groan. She was still donned in her uniform, although she had undone her button-up and taken off her belt, both now discarded on Ellis' floor from her stampede into the room.

    "Can I help you?" Ellis hummed, looking up from her IPad, where she had been aimlessly coloring in a digital coloring book. It was so obviously her day off, her hair wet and falling over her shoulders, an easy look on her face from a day of relaxing.

    "Sore. Body hurts." Ollie mumbled, mouth covered by the mattress. Rolling over onto her back, her hand draped over her forehead. "I didn't think being gone for three weeks would kick my ass into next year." She admitted, eyes fluttering closed.

    Ellis set her IPad to the side, pulling her knees up to her chest. "You got stabbed, Ollie. Your body is not gonna automatically recover. Is Bobby making you go out on calls? Do I need to give him a talking to?" She furrowed her brow, nose wrinkling.

    She laughed, moving her hand to look up at her roommate. "Chimney and I are stuck on paramedic duties only for a bit. Not extractions or big fires. Although I do miss the smell of burning wood." She sighed dreamily, eyes fluttering closed.

    "You're weird." Ellis chirped before gasping, a lightbulb flashing in her head. "We gotta throw a party! To celebrate you guys returning to work! I can make firefighter and paramedic themed cocktails. Oh, I need to text Eddie and invite him. Can you ask Buck when he gets home? Make a call to Maddie?"

    Ollie sat up with a flinch and groan, turning over to look at Ellis. "Yeah, yeah, I guess I can do that. Wait... How do you have Eddie's phone number?" Her eyes narrowed, lips pursing. "You know he has a wife, right? A child?"

    Her roommate scoffed, pulling her blanket off of her legs and standing up. "I'm not trying to get with him, Olivia. We are friends. Kinda. We don't really talk." She mumbled, moving into her closet. "Get your head out of the gutter."

    A laugh pulled its way out of Ollie's throat before she slowly got up, running her fingers through her hair. "I''ll get the message to Buck, Maddie and Chim. And then I'm gonna shower and nap. I'll see you later?"

    "I'm right across the living room from ya." Ellis responded from the depts of her closet, the sound of drawers opening and closing following closely behind.

    It didn't take long for Ollie to send out invites to all of her friends, immediately getting everyone on board to be at her place that night. She didn't exactly know what Ellis had planned for the night, but knew for sure that it would be better than anything she could think of.

    As promised, she took a quick shower to ease the ache in her muscles before a small nap to bring herself back to life. Once she had awoken and returned to the land of the living, she got up to get ready. Seeing as it was just a small get-together at her own apartment, she didn't put much effort into how she looked, mostly focusing on just looking alive.

    Eight o'clock rolled around faster than she thought it would, causing her to groan softly when she realized she had to crawl out of the cave that was her bedroom. Opening her door, the first thing she came face-to-face with was Evan Buckley, who's eyes widened when he saw her. "Oh. Hey."

    "Hey?" Ollie questioned, furrowing her brow and leaning against her doorframe. "You listening to me get dressed, Buckley?"

    His lips pulled downwards into a frown, eyes rolling. "No. I was coming to make sure you're alive. I got home hours ago and I haven't heard anything. Not even a peep."

    She laughed softly, moving around him to lead the way into the kitchen. "Do I usually make a lot of noise in my room?" She questioned, fingers brushing along the alcohol bottles Ellis had laid out on the island.

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