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   The next morning, bright and early before her firefighter shift, Ollie stood outside Maddie's apartment, staring at the number on the door. Her heart thudded hard against her ribcage, her heartbeat echoing in her ears as her stomach churned uneasily, her brain running rampant with all of the possibilities of how this could go.

    Eddie's voice echoed in her head, causing her to shake off her nerves with a shake of her head and a deep breath. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door three times, her hands immediately tucking into her pockets to keep them from shaking and ruining her mojo.

    The door swung open just a moment later to reveal Maddie, donned in her blouse and slacks for work. Her eyes immediately softened when she saw Ollie, immediately giving away that she knew exactly her reasoning for being here. The brunette woman didn't open the door all the way, simply holding it open only enough to review her face. "Ollie. He doesn't want to see you." She murmured, her voice gentle.

    "Maddie. I have to see him." Ollie pleaded, tucking her jacket closer around her body. "I messed up, and I know I did. But I can fix it now. You gotta let me."  Her eyes fixed on Maddie, who simply stared back at her, both women reflecting a small bit of pain on their face. "I love him, Maddie. Let me tell and show him."

    Maddie stared at her for a moment, nervously chewing at her lip, before she sighed. "I'm going to step upstairs and get ready for work. If you just-so-happen to step into my unlocked house and see him, it's not my fault and I know nothing about it." She gave her a look, stepping back and opening the door wider. "Don't ruin this, Ollie." She murmured, giving her a friend a soft smile before turning and walking upstairs.

    A small, sad smile reflected on Ollie's face, standing on Maddie's doorstep until the other woman was completely upstairs. After a moment to regain her mojo, she stepped into the house, her work boots thunking on the hardwood floor as she found her way into the living room.

    The first thing she noticed was Buck.

    He was standing next to the couch, reaching down to pick up his work shirt. In one fell swoop, he pulled it over his head, covering up the tank top that clung to his chest and shoulders. His face was relaxed, lips pursed as he focused on getting ready for work. She almost felt bad for popping his peaceful bubble, but she knew it had to happen.

    With a deep breath, she took another step into the living room, causing his head to raise at the sound of her step. They were both quiet as they looked at each other, Ollie's hands tucked in her pockets and Buck's lying limply at the side. She broke the silence with a small 'hello,' her mouth suddenly dry and her words lost in her throat.

    "Hey." He responded, his voice shocked. His surprise was written all over the face, a small bit of both curiosity and hurt reflected in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak again, but she raised a hand, shaking her head.

    "Let me speak, please?" Ollie asked, raising her brows. When he nodded, leaning on his hip, she continued on, letting out a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that. Like being with you was some kind of crime. It's not what you deserved, and I'm sorry."

    She trailed off for a moment before stepping forward, her hand resting on the back of the couch as she looked directly into his eyes, trying to show her sincerity and telepathically communicate her feelings to him. When she realized he needed more, she rubbed her lips together. "I love you. I have loved you since we were dumb teenagers sneaking kisses in between classes and climbing into each other's windows. I have loved you for you since you held me while I cried on the third anniversary of my parents' death, when you had only known of my existence for about two days. I have loved you since you were the loud, yappy kid in the back of English class that tossed pens at the whiteboard when the teacher wasn't looking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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