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   The world stopped rumbling slowly, until it was finally still. Ollie took a moment to catch her breath, her body aching from the force of her body hitting the ground when she had been tossed by the aftershock. For a while, she kept her eyes clenched shut, as if she could lure herself into waking up from some bad dream and end up in her nice, comfy bed at home.

    But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Slowly, she opened her eyes, only to be met with pitch blackness. She grabbed her flashlight, flickering it on only to see that she was crammed between a bunch of debris, including a heavier piece of wall sitting on her ankle, which was throbbing in pain. Ignoring the intense beating in her chest that made her think she was having a heart attack, she clicked on her walkie, calling into it. "Cap? Chim, Hen? Eddie? ... Buck?" By the last name, she had given up hope of an answer, head falling back in exasperation and dread at her situation.

    It was ironic, really. The girl who refused to befriend her coworkers suddenly wishing that they were all there with her.

    After a moment of cursing the world, Ollie lifted her good foot, groaning in pain as she managed to kick the rubble off of her leg. Judging by the pain in her ankle, she could only assume that she had broken it in the tussle with the Earth, and she cursed slightly at it.

   Looking around, she noticed a crawl space above her head, turning very slowly to move herself onto her belly. She coughed dust out of her lungs before shaking her head, calling out into the darkness. "Is anyone down here? Hello?"

    In response, someone coughed, ending it off with what sounded like a groan. She continued to call out, only to be met with the same noises. Mustering all the strength she could, she armycrawled her way through the space above her head until she was met with a gap in the debris, her eyes landing on a turnout pinned beneath a fallen pillar.

    Moving closer, she let out a deep sigh when she recognized the face. "You're from the 221?" She asked, her eyes assessing the man for injuries as she waited for a response.

    "Yeah. Russ." He introduced himself, his voice sounding strained. His face was covered in dust and sweat, products of the day, but he managed to keep his eyes on her.

    "Bloom. Ollie," she added, continuing to look him over the best she could. "118. Where's your radio? Mine isn't working." She explained, looking back up at his face.

    Russ groaned back at her. "I don't have one. All radios were issued out. It's not my shift." His breath came short and raggedy, and her eyebrows turned downwards.

    "You came in on your day off?" She asked.

    "Yeah. Nothing new on Netflix." He joked, although his laugh came out more as puffs of air.

    Feeling bad for his condition, Ollie whipped around, placing both of her hands on the pillars crushing Russ and attempting to push them off of him, grunting and groaning. When her normal strength didn't seem to be enough, she tried using her firehook to angle it off, but to no avail. She looked around, eyes catching on the car sitting in front of them, before looking at Russ. "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if there's a jack in one of these cars, okay?"

    She stood up quickly, ignoring the excruciating pain in her ankle as she lumbered forward. Hooking the fire hook inbetween the trunk lid in the base of the car, she tried to angle it to open, huffing and puffing in frustration.

    "Don't waste your strength or your time."  Russ called, as best as he could, from behind her.

    "You don't know me very well, Russ. I'm getting us out of here, no matter what." Ollie stubbornly responded, continuing to work the hook at different angles, as if it'd budge anymore.

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