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   Crammed into the back of the rig, pressed shoulder to shoulder with Buck, staring out at the damage the earthquake had caused – Ollie was living her worst nightmare. While staring out at the wreckage, her brain couldn't stop going over what Evan had said before, and it didn't help that his cologne kept drifting through her nostrils, entangling into the thoughts. The only positive thing it was doing was keeping her mind off of the fact that the roads were bumpy, and that was only until something was large enough to knock all of her thoughts away.

    Turning her head, she caught eye contact with Chimney, who was studying her intensely. She raised her eyebrows at him, causing him to shrug, turning his head and looking away.

    Buck broke the silence in the rig, facing Eddie. "Is everything okay?" At the words, her eyes moved to her friend, noticing the way his brow was furrowed. It didn't take much for her to realize that he was probably thinking about Christopher, who was still at school when the earthquake happened.

    "Yeah. There's no service. Texts won't even get through." Eddie huffed, throwing his phone into his lap and looking up at Buck.

    The blonde's head tilted, curiosity framing all parts of his face. "Who you trying to get ahold of?"

    Eddie's face looked contemplative at first, as if trying to decide what to say, before he finally spoke. "My son. I'm trying to reach my son."

    "Whoa, you got a kid?"

    "You didn't tell them about Christopher?" Ollie butted in, her brow furrowing as she leaned towards Eddie. She couldn't judge much, especially with how little she had revealed about herself and how much time she didn't spend with the team outside of work, but it was still kind of a crazy thing to keep secret. Eddie wasn't like her, she knew that.

    The man gave her a look from across the way before turning his phone to show Buck a photo of Christopher. They got into a talk about him, Eddie explaining how his mother wasn't in the picture and Buck consoling Eddie that Christopher was most likely okay. Ollie had drowned out the noise by then, her hand clinging on to the handle of the door and her eyes shutting tightly as the rig rocked back and forth.

    Her eyes only opened when a hand was placed on her free arm, giving it a slight squeeze. Her head turned to look at Buck, who was looking at her with more softness in his eyes than she had seen in a while. It made her squirm in her seat, her hand moving off of the handle to tuck both of them into her turnouts, pulling her arm away from Buck. If she hated anything, it was pity. She had had so much in her life, she was tired of it.

    Even if his eyes felt nice on her, she couldn't handle it that way.

It took a while to get to where the call was coming from due to the wreckage in the streets. Buildings had windows blown out, parts of the structure lying in the streets, street signs and everything thrown everywhere. It was chaos.

    When they arrived and piled out of the rig, their eyes feasted upon a building, tilted towards the street rather than sitting straight up. Multiple stations were on scene, pulling away people from the building and helping look through the rubble that they could pull away, along with attempting to put up supports for what was still standing. As the firefighters stared at the mess, policemen were pulling a couple away from the building. Ollie listened to them scream about how their kid, Kat, was still stuck inside.

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