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   The next morning, Ollie woke up sweating.

    After a moment of blinking and squirming, she realized it was because she was sharing her bed and her blankets with a man.

    Throughout the night, Buck had slowly shifted down further on her bed, his head now completely off of her pillow and laying on her mattress. She could feel his breath brush against her back everytime he exhaled, his arm swung around her hip and hand coiled beneath her waist.

    With a sigh, she placed her hand on his elbow, dragging her nails up and down his forearm. A smile pulled at her lips when his fingers twitched, a soft inhale coming from behind her as he woke up.

    "Morning." Buck's low voice rumbled into her back, floating straight into the pit of her stomach. His arm tightened around her waist just as she turned around to face him, a cheesy smile already brightening up his face.

    In the morning glow coming through her window, he looked almost angelic. Surprisingly, and to her disbelief, he was still in his hoodie from the night before, although it had twisted in his sleep, the hood hanging out on the side of his neck. His hair was laying flat against one side of his head, sticking up on the other, giving him the boys-next-door look that made her want to scream and kick her out of his bed in pure cuteness aggression.

    "Hello." Ollie murmured back, pulling her blanket up over her chin. Everything she wanted to say seemed to build itself up in her throat, blocking itself from coming out in a word jumble, so she settled with pressing her lips together and admiring him in his Sleeping Beauty state instead.

    His smile only got larger at her response, probably basking in the idea that she hadn't yet jabbed a foot into his side and kicked him out of her bed. "How'd you sleep?"

    She groaned softly, rolling over onto her back and stretching out her arms, careful to not punch him in the face. "Warm. I think you absorb all of the fires that we put out." An exhale huffed out of her nose as she looked over at him.

    A laugh rumbled out of his chest in response, hands reaching out to grab the blanket and yank it off of her. "Fine, I'll take this for myself, then."

    An involuntary squeal left her lips at the cool air rushing to her legs, clawing at the blanket as he held it away from her before ultimately giving up. "Fine. I need to get up, anyway." She reached out to flick him on the forehead before rolling out of bed, stretching and making her way towards her bathroom.

    The two fell into a comfortable silence before, surprise, Buck broke it again. "Hey, does this mean I don't have to sleep in the living room anymore?"

    She snorted, grabbing her toothbrush. "Does a bear meow?"

    "Hey!" He whined, the sound of his feet hitting the ground and shuffling following the complaint. Slowly but surely, his large body took up the rest of the space in her small bathroom, his hands holding onto the doorframe as he leaned towards her. "Why not?"

    Her body turned to face his, brows raising in challenge. "I like my bed. I like my space. You are too warm. Couch, it is, Buckaroo." To make her point, she placed her toothbrush in her mouth, brushing her teeth and turning away from him.

   Buck groaned like a child, slipping behind her and leaning his back against the door as he watched her in the mirror. "But the couch is so uncomfortable."

   Leaning down, she spat into the sink before regaining eye contact with his reflection. "And that's how I know you're a liar. Because you have told me multiple times that my couch feels like sitting on a cloud."

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