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   "Chimney." Ollie barked as she stepped into the locker room, the glass door shutting behind her as she stared daggers at the man currently pulling on his shirt.

    "Bloom." He cautiously responded, eyes darting for a way out of the conversation before sighing at the realization that there wasn't one. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the lockers. "How can I help you?"

    She stepped forward slowly, finger pointing accusingly. "I know what you did, Han."

    Despite her venom-laced words, he stayed calm, hands moving to his hips. "You don't know anything."

    A strangled gasp left her lips at the audacity, before she shook her head. "I told you explicitly what to do. I yelled at you. Everyone heard it but you. Why did you not hear it, Chimney?"

    After a moment, he finally broke, sighing as he flopped back into the lockers behind him. "Ollie, you cannot just expect me to smell Bobby's cooking and not eat it. It was an omelet!"

    "The omelet I asked everyone to save while I showered because I smelled like ash!" She snapped back, groaning. "I have been back for a week. A week! And you are already ruining my life!" Her finger jabbed at the air in front of him again. "Maddie will be hearing about this, you squirrelly man!"

    With that final stroke of indignation, Ollie stormed out of the locker room, her hair flying behind her at the quick pace she was moving at. Her work boots banged on her ground as she practically ran up the stairs, falling on the couch in the lounge face-first with a groan.

    From where he was sitting near her, Eddie chuckled. "Bad day, Oliver?" He hummed, pulling his phone into his lap just as she rolled over to glance at him. "Is this because Chimney ate the last omelet? You know that guy is like a dog, he'll eat anything if you leave it out."

    Her brow furrowed in frustration as she glared at him. "You should've defended it for me, scare the vultures away from my meal. I thought we were friends, Eddie. I thought we would help and defend each other as much as possible! I thought you cared about me."

    The man groaned, sitting up and leaning his elbows against his knees as he leaned closer to her. "You are so much more dramatic when you're hungry. I will cook you food, Olivia." He stood up before she could even answer, a hand reaching out to pat her head.

    Ollie gripped his hand with a dramatic 'thank you' until he got farther enough away, flopping down on her back on the couch as she grinned up at the ceiling. Since returning to the 118 after a few weeks healing her ankle, things had been nonstop. Getting back into shape, watching every step she took, getting used to the exhausting schedule again – all of it had taken up most of her time. Even on her days off, she was always on the move, whether it was helping Eddie with Christopher or gossiping with Maddie about her feelings for Chimney. They were huge, by the way.

    Unexpectedly, her time off hadn't been a break away from the 118, but instead a force that drove them closer. Eddie had pulled her into his orbit again, Buck and her were ... whatever they were, Maddie was driving Chimney into Ollie's life before she even realized it. She had gone to see Maddie twice since she had told her to chase after Chimney, and each time, he was there, with no warning.

    What was even more unexpected was the fact that she was enjoying it. Every time she ended up at home without anyone there, she found herself missing the presence of her friends. Not even a talking presence, just a breathing one – someone to enjoy her precious space with. Usually, that's when she would send a text to Buck.

    He was always over, right away.

    Nothing had happened since he had shoved her against her front door, surprisingly. They usually just ended up lounging on her couch at a respectful distance, nursing one glass of whatever liquor Buck brought over as a random movie played on her TV. Usually, he'd scroll on his phone while she read, but sometimes they'd just talk. It brought her right back into his room when they were teenagers, feet propped up on his lap as she rambled on about English class stuff that he would never actually retain.

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