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    Ollie was stuffing her bag into her locker when her eyes caught onto Evan and Eddie talking near the gym, both dressed in muscle tees with sweat dripping from... well, everywhere. She was about to turn around and avoid the whole pissing contest when she saw Chim's face, glancing at both of the boys warily. With a soft sigh and a curse beneath her breath, she made her way closer, pulling at the sleeves of her button-up as she sidled next to Chimney.

Evan was already talking by the time she got within earshot, staring down at Eddie like he wanted to punch him already. " problem. Your comfort level. Y-You're not supposed to just walk in here like you've been here for years. It's... it's meant to be a getting-to-know-you period. You're meant to respect your elders."

She rolled her eyes from where she was, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the pull-up bar that Chimney was using. The corner of her lips quirked when the older man behind her spoke up. "You're not his elder, Buck."

Eddie looked over his shoulder at Chim, eyes catching Ollie's as a smirk threatened to appear on his face. She raised her eyebrows back at him, just before he turned around to look at Evan again. "Look, uh, I, in no way, meant to be too familiar or step on anybody's toes. I know you're going through some personal stuff right now."

"What personal stuff?" Evan's brow furrowed, although he couldn't seem to hold eye contact with the man in front of him, opting to stare at the ground instead.

"I know your girlfriend recently broke up with you and you're coming to terms with that." Eddie responded swiftly, his voice not wavering one bit. If there was one thing he was not known for, it was backing down.

Ollie's curiosity only piqued more at the comment, looking back at Chimney, who was pausing halfway through his pull-up, before back at the two men in front of her. Walking over here was proving to be more beneficial than just a show of who had more testosterone. She was getting hot gossip, and even she was a sucker for that.

"No, I'm not. And she didn't break up with me. Who told you that?" Buck's voice only got more hostile, turning to look at Chimney accusingly. His eyes had yet to fall on Ollie, however she could just sense that he knew she was there. Every time his eyes even slightly brushed over her, a jolt sidled up her spine, her body more aware than her eyes were.

Eddie was still playing the defense, although keeping his distance from Evan, like he was afraid he would swing. "I'm just saying I hear you're a good guy, and I'm sorry you're going through pain, but you don't need to take it out on me or-or be threatened by me. We're on the same team."

She kept watching until Eddie walked away, taking another look at Chimney and not even sparing a glance to Evan before following behind Eddie, calling out his name and catching up to him when he finally stopped. "What was that? Did you get paid to put on such a show?" She huffed out of her nose, eyebrow furrowing.

Raising his shirt to brush the sweat off of his brow, Eddie shook his head. "I don't know what his problem is. He acts like he's never been around another man before."

She snorted, looking back at the gym before back at the man in front of her. "Sounds like Evan."

Eddie's brow raised at the comment, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "Sounds like you know him."

She was about to snap back at him defensively when the klaxon started going off, huffing in response before she turned and made her way towards the rig.

They arrived at the call just as the sun dipped below the horizon. Apparently, a grenade had gone off, therefore everyone was on high alert – except the house was in one piece, which was odd. Explosions usually left more of a mark.

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