The return of Hook

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Jac had only ever cried when she was away from kat but seeing the men climbing the boat their cracked skin and dead eyes approaching them jac screamed and cried and clung to kat terrified.

Kat kicked a leg out sending one back into the water. No one makes her baby cry. Tyrion fell in as the boat shook with men climbing up trying to grab them

'Mormont dagger now!' Kat yelled and he handed one over before jumping in after tyrion. Kat sliced and diced, stabbing at the men, the monsters all while jac screamed in her ear and dug her little fingers into kats arm. Tyrion and mormont finally came up from the water and kat was sitting bouncing jac on her lap trying to calm her. the monsters gone.

'Its okay... all gone. See all gone. Its okay, jac jac.' Still she screamed tears running down her face. 'youre safe, mama wont let anything happen to you, I promise. I promise...' she coed kissing jac over and over again. 'Its okay jac jac its okay. Mamas got you.'

'T T, T T,' jac said when tyrion offered her a smile.

'T T' tyrion repeated. 'Im okay love. Im okay. Bad guys all gone.' He reached out a hand and she grabbed his finger clutching it tightly, tears still in her eyes. Her little breath panting.

'Go' jac cried out

'Yes they go away. They no come back' kat assured her

'Go' she repeated sadly

'Yes we go away and they go away'


'Okay' kat repeated. Jac stopped crying and kat wiped the tears from her eyes. She didnt smile though. She sat and looked out at the water.

Goodnight my pirate, time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another day

I think I know what you've been asking me

I think you know what I've been trying to say

I promised I would never leave you

And you should always know

Wherever you may go, no matter where you are

I never will be far away

Goodnight my pirate, now it's time to sleep

And still, so many things I want to say

Remember all the songs you sang for me

When we went sailing on an Emerald Bay

And like a boat out on the ocean

I'm rocking you to sleep

The water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart

You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight my pirate, now it's time to dream

And dream a lovely little dream.'

The lullaby calmed her down and jac was half asleep her eyes closing and opening and closing. Crying and screaming is hard work.

'The boat broke and you lost the oars smacking them into those things?' Kat said calmly not wanting to scare jac again.

'It will be fine' mormont said unconvincingly.

'We are in the middle of fucking nowhere' kat hissed 'with no oars and a boat that got a fucking hole in it.' Again she tried to keep her voice calm and even and quiet but with each word she got more pissed.

Before Mormont could say anything he saw a ship approaching them

'Look alert.' Mormont said as a ship approached. Kat looked up.

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now