Many years ago

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Many years ago

'Alright the key to a good heist is listening. Listen to everyone and everything finding whats important. Always be listening. You never know when some drunk fool is gonna slip something useful about some treasure' jack was telling trouble as they walked through town. 'You are little people wont notice you most of the time'

'Focused on bigger tits trouble' Leroy told her.

'You could pass for a very pretty boy if we chopped your hair' rudy told them twirling her long caramel hair in his fingers.

'You are not chopping my hair!' Trouble exclaimed

'Leave her be. We are talking about listening not a costume change. Alright listen closely.'

'loose lips sink ships.

Loose lips spill secrets.

Loose lips reveal treasure when people don't think anyone is listening.'

'so listen but go unheard? And unseen?' trouble questioned

'exactly... what do you hear?'

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now