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'Captain?' sandor questioned coming up behind her. she nodded to him but didn't say anything, she was focused on the stars. 'you alright?'

'aye, fine.' She said shortly. He nodded turning away but turned back.

'Kat?' she didn't take her eyes off the sky.

'its so beautiful out. Perfect night. Clear skies, soft breeze, stars to bright and vibrant in the night you can see every constilation.' She bit at her lip as she pointed out constilations tracing them with her finger in the sky. Sandor leaned against the ledge while her eyes faced the sky his eyes focused on her. she was usually so happy captaining a ship but today, being the last night before they arrived at winterfell tomorrow... he understood her sad eyes.

'you nervous about tomorrow?' he questioned.

'Nervous?' still not looking at him.

'aye. You haven't been back to winterfell since you were a child right?' she nodded. 'and the last time you were there wasn't exactly happy memeories, right?'

'aye that's right.' She sunk to the floor. Sandor joined her. her knees curled into her chest, arms wrapped around them. 'I never thought I would be back. The closer we get the more I feel like that scared and mad little girl.' She confessed. She leaned into him and he wrapped and arm around her.

'Would you teach me about the stars, about the constellations?' sandor asked her 'If I am to be a good pirate and I gotta know where I am all the time even in the dead of night right?'

'Yeah that's right' she said and she looked up again, her head still on his shoulder. 'OK well you see that one right there? she said pointing up.

'The northern sky, realm of star groups known as the north constellations. The most prominent figure is the Big Dipper, ursa major These bright stars — four forming the "bowl," three more tracing out the "handle" — create one of the most recognizable patterns in the night sky, an ideal guide for locating surrounding constellations.' Kat told him.

'I see it... I think.' Sandor told her following her finger as the traced the stars in the sky.

'Then we have the little dipper, it isn't much brighter than the stars in the Big Dipper. Polaris is the brightest star in the little dipper or Ursa Minor the Little Bear. You could say that Ursa major is a little sister or ursa major.'

'sister stars.' Aint that cute.' Sandor said following her finger as she traced a new set of stars.

"It is made up of seven stars as well.four in the bowl, and three in the handle. Because four of its stars are dim, the Little Dipper is hard to see on cloudy nights.' Kat told him.

'but tonight is a perfect night?' sandor questioned. He really could see every single star, it made him feel small. Kat knew of the world outside of this place. Places like London and tortuga. Places he ahd never heard of before. He thought past the narrow sea was as far as there was, but kat was experienced and knowledgable on things sandor had never even considered. Like the stars having names.

'If you trace a line from the bowl of the Big Dipper past the North Star and continue beyond, you'll arrive at a group of stars that form a distinct letter M or W... do you see it?' she questioned laying down on the deck, sandor joined her laying next to her.

'W...' aye I see it.' He said again following her finger.

'This is Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia'

'not another fucking queen,' sandor grumbled and kat laughed.

'With its distinctive "W" shape formed by five bright stars, Cassiopeia is one of the most easily recognizable constellations in the northern night sky.' Kat told him. 'the legend though is that the constellation is named after the vain queen Cassiopeia, wife of the King Cepheus of Aethiopia. As the legend goes, Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs called the Nereids. Her claim angered Poseidon, god of the sea, who sent a sea monster called Cetus to destroy the kingdom. Cassiopeia's daughter, Princess Andromeda, was left bound to a rock as prey for the monster, but she was rescued by Perseus the Hero whom she later married.'

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now