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'You alright?' Tyrion asked as they were lowered into the water. Kilian didnt speak as he rowed. Keeping his eyes on the horizon.

'Fine. Can you hold her. My hands are cold'. She held tink in her jacket. The fairy clinging to the cage as they rowed to shore.

'Of course.' Jac sat facing the water her back against tyrions stomach her legs kicking with excitement and her little arms clapping as water flung up from the paddles.

When they docked Kilian finally spoke up.

'Hook is gonna get us all killed looking for pan. His revenge is gonna get us all killed.'

Kat said one simple word.

'Mutiny' and walked away

Once Killian was far enough away back to the Jolly Roger and they were on dry land Kat pulled Tinker Bell out of her coat and put it down on the ground

'Spark, spark' Jac said happily

'Tinker Bell remember?' kat said and jac nodded

'Tink Tink Tink' She clapped as kat broke open the cage and tinkerbell flew out.

'Hey little fairy... I'm sorry Captain Hook took you and I'm sorry I don't think we're anywhere near Neverland but if you wanna stay with us you can I'll keep you safe.' Kat promised.

She clicked her heels together little Sparks of pixie dust flying off her as she spun Circle brushing off her dress and coming right up to face kat

'I understand if you want to go you probably miss Peter... pan. Peter pan.' Kat said watching the fairy.

She nodded floating right in front of her face

'Can you tell Peter when you see him that... that trouble misses him... Actually' she looked down and pulled out her pan flute necklace. 'I don't know where Neverland is compared to where we are right now but I feel like it would take you forever to fly there how would I call him for you?' kat offered. Remembering what peter had said about calling him and he would come.

Tink nodded eagerly

'OK I've never done this before so bear with me I don't know if you even know what to do... it's been almost 10 years but let's see... let's call Peter Pan.' She brought the necklace to her lips and blew. She didnt hear anything. She tried again and again and again but she didn't hear anything she lower the necklace back down to her chest and shook her head. 'I'm so sorry Tinker Bell I thought that would work... he said it would work but it's been so long maybe it's broken, maybe I broke it, maybe I'm not doing it right' but then Tinker Bell smiled

'It's about damn time you called me trouble' peter said appearing from out of nowhere. kat spun around and she hugged him tight

'I see you missed me too' he said grinning

'Peter you have an age a day!' she said he still looks like a 17 your old boy

'I have excellent genes' it was strange that both Gideon and Peter looked as though they had an aged a day

'I found your fairy' Tinker Bell spun around his head kissing his cheek

'It seems he did... you know I've been looking for her thanks trouble.' Peter said grinning at her.

'Anything to help my old friend' kat said and it was like the rest of the world faded and it was just them.

'So I'm guessing you know about Neverland?' peter questioned

Yeah never never that was nice though,' kat said laughing and peter blushed nodding.

'yeah not my finest moment... but-'

'but I know that Captain Hook is your rival. He's after you and you were after him and no one can agree on anything because a lot of you are a bunch of boys playing games.' She added.

'You act like playing games is a bad thing I love games, the last boys too!' peter told her

'I missed you Peter' kat said looking him over, god he hadn't aged at all. Then it clicked. What Jack was looking, they were right there and they missed it.

'You don't have to miss me you can come back to Neverland with us!' peter declared and Tyrion paled. No. she couldn't leave. Not now. Not when they were so fucking close. He reached out for her but it was like she didn't see anyone past peter.

'I got a daughter now Peter her name is Jac,' she pointed at Jac and Jac waved at Peter. Peter smiled down at the girl.

'Hello Jac' he crouched down to her level and stuck out of hand jac grabbed his finger and shook it.'She's a cute little one you could bring her with.' Peter offered.

'Neverland runs on the fountain of youth doesn't it? That's how you and Gideon never age?'kat questioned

'You're a smart one trouble always knew you'd figure it out' peter said grinning her reached out and grabbed her hand.

'How old are you?'

'Lost track after 200' he admitted.


'Yeah age is but a number don't you think?" Peter laughed

'I want Jac to grow up she can't stay a baby forever my boobs couldn't handle it' kat told him.

'I understand....' peter said dropping her hand, disappointed painted his handsome face. 'Well thank you for finding Tinker Bell and if you ever need me, miss me, wanna visit Neverland hell when the little one gets older you change your mind you're always welcome.' He told her

'Thank you Peter I will miss you' she told him, and kissed his cheek.

'And I'll miss you trouble.' He hugged her again before flying off the ground tinkerbell on his shoulder.

'Fly fly fly' jac siad clapping

'Shit' kat said watching his soar into the clouds and disappear.

"you got some interesting friends kat.' Tyrion said grabbing her hand. Her eyes stayed on the sky but she gripped his hand tight. 

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now