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'I'm taking your prisoner don't make me blow a hole in your fucking ship!' Kat yelled as she swung over to where Jon was being kept

'Captain please there's no need for this-' the unsullied said raising his weapon.

'I told you you couldn't have him, he's mine.' Kat told them

'The king agreed-'

'As I've told people many times I do whatever the fuck I want and I'm taking my brother, don't worry you'll never have to see him ever again. I'll keep him far away from Kings Landing, far away from everything here and this stupid stupid place!' kat assured them.

'Captain no I'm sorry we cannot let you take him'

'Fine be that way.' She sliced three unsullied in half. 'Give me my brother no more if you need to die' but they put up a fight so kat fought harder. she won, she got Jon swung him across to the sparrow and then blasted cannonballs into their ship sending it down down down to Davy Jones locker.

'You didn't have to come for me' he told her as he got his footing.

'Nonsense!' kat said smiling 'this is where the fun really starts.' She looked over the injured crew of unsullied. 'This will be the day you remember you almost caught captain Kat of the Sparrow!'

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now