Drowning fool

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'Ooh missandei fucked the worm!' Kat said. 'Good for you. How does that work?'

'I wanted you to show you what we will be digging for, the caves before we started.' Jon said leading them through the caves towards the dragon glass. He lit the torch lighting the path ahead of them.

'this feels like home!' kat declared. "I ever tell you about... wow is that it? The dragon glass?'

'Well this is it all we will ever need' Jon told them, he held out a piece of dragon glass for kat. She admired it as she walked following her brother and dani. 'there is something else I wanna show you your grace' They continued deeper into the cave

Carvings drawings and ruins scattered the cave walls

'The children of the forest made these'

'When?' dani questioned

'Very long time ago' Jon told her

'They were right here standing where we are standing before there were Targaryen's and starks and Lannister's maybe even before they were men...' dani said looking around the walls.

'No' Jon told her an'd continued deeper into the cave she followed him 'they were here together the children and the first men'

'Doing what? fighting each other?' dani questioned Drawings of men women and children across the walls standing peacefull together.

'looks like a peaceful picture to me dani. Not a fight.' Kat said her fingers trailing along the drawings.

'They fought together against a common enemy' a drawing of white walkers engraved in the walls. 'they came together and put aside their differences... fought together'

'The enemy is real' Jon told her 'it's always been real' they looked at the White Walkers carved into the wall.

'that's what they look like?' kat questioned running her fingers over them, 'a little freaky.'

'you should see them in the flesh kat.' Jon said bringing the torch closer to light up the white walkers on the wall.

'And you say you can't defeat them without my arms and my dragons?'

'I don't think I can' jon admitted

'I will fight for you. I will fight for the north... when you bend the knee' she informed him

'My people won't accept the southern women not after everything they have suffered

'they will if there kingdoms depend on it. they chose you to lead them they chose you to protect them, isn't their survival is more important than your pride?'


'I saw the night king I looked in the eyes' Jon said. 'why should I follow a mad kings daughter kat? She sounds like trouble.'

'sometimes trouble is what you need to succeed.' Kat said winking at him.

'All my advisors told me not to even come here. What makes her any different from cersei? Or the mad king?'

'She's not the queen because she was the daughter of the mad king.. she's the queen they chose.'

'I don't know Kat.' Jon said coming to sit with her in the sand.

'jon the answer is simple.' Kat told him. She was sat in the sand making a castle. Jac breaking the castle everytime it starte to look like something that wasn't a mound of sand. Smiling and laughing as it fell.

'its not simple.' Jon replied. Kats legs were spread out around the castle. Jac in front of her. looking over the water as it nearer closer and closer with every wave.

'high tide is coming.' Kat said looking back to the sand castle.


'high tide.' Kat repeated. 'when the water comes up onto the shore and destroys everything I created.' He sighed. Sometimes kat was blunt, most of the time she was blunt but sometimes these lord and ladies these kings and queens needed a metaphor. 'I could sit in front of the castle and drown in the waves along with my castle... my people... or I could take the hit and be the bigger fucking man and bend the knee JON!'

'kat you don't understand.' Jon began.

'I do understand. I do jon. I really do. My crew, my ship and my captain went down. I don't know why or what the fuck happened but they did. Now these people are my people.' She bit out. 'these people are good people. They want to help. She gave you your dragon glass, letting you mine as much as you want. Bend the fucking knee and offically be the warden of the north. With a queen at your back... don't you want a woman with two armies and three fucking dragons at your side when the white walkers come?' she questioned. The waves getting closer.

'I don't think I can.'

'stubborn fool jon.'

'kat.' He shook his head.

'great. My castle fell. Washed away in the water. Every hope I ever had for my castle, gone. Every person, gone. Every thing that could have been, gone. Because I stayed stubborn and didn't move from my position. No matter how stupid a position it is.' Kat picked jac up and marched away. 'don't be a drowning fool Jon Snow.' Kat called over her shoulder. 

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