Chapter 4 : It's our Apartment!

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Anne, Marcy, and Sasha, boarded the Plane together, going to the seats F6, F5, and F4.

Marcy sat next to the Window, Sasha in the Middle, Anne on the Outside.

Marcy got out Her Blanket, "You two want some Blanket?"

Sasha smiled, "Yes please!"

Anne took a deep breath in and out, "Yes." She looked at Marcy, "Thank you."

Marcy put the Blanket on the three of them and sighed, noticing Her scared Voice, "I still don't get this Scared of Flying thing Anna-Banana, I mean you have Literally flown."

Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "How many times do I have to explain, I was in control when I flew," She tucked Herself into a ball, "I have no control in this situation."

Sasha sweetly smiled, "I understand it's Scary for you to not be in Control, Is there any way I can help?"

Anne took Sasha's arm, Putting It around Her, and Leaned on Her shoulder, "This helps."

Sasha blushed, "o-okay..."

Anne hugged Her arm closer, "You're really strong, so if there is a Crash, you hold me and Marcy so we all Live."

Marcy had a blank look on Her face, "Anne, that's not how it works."


Marcy chuckled, leaning on Sasha's other Shoulder, "Okay Boonchuy."

The three stayed like that the entire trip, which ended up making Sasha very Flustered, the Entire trip.


After a couple of hours, The plane had Finally landed, Sasha looked at Anne who was Squeezing Her hand for Dear life, "We've Landed Anna-Banana, you're okay now."

Anne reluctantly let go of Sasha's hand, "It's not safe until my feet touch the Actual ground."

Sasha nudged Her other Shoulder, "Hey Mar-Mar, wake up, we're in L.A.~"

Marcy slowly opened Her eyes, "mgh..." She rubbed Them, "Hi Anne, Sash..."

Anne blushed at Her cuteness, Marcy snuggled back into Sasha's shoulder, "...I'm so sleepy..."

Sasha hummed, "I guess I could carry you? you did make that Delicious Breakfast this morning."

Marcy blushed, burying Her face in Sasha's arm, "That would be amazing~..."

Sasha sweetly smiled, "Alright Mars, think you can Hold your Blanket?"


Sasha picked Her up Bridal style, putting Marcy's Messenger bag and Her own backpack on.

Anne stood up to get out of Their way, a little Jealous that Sasha got to Hold Her, although still more Focused on getting off the Plane.

She grabbed Her bag and Neck Pillow, Quickly running off the Plane, Sasha just behind Her.

Anne took a Deep Breath in and out when She made it outside, Sasha smiled, "I see you're happy to get off that plane."

Anne chuckled, "Oh Absolutely." She looked at Marcy in Sasha's arms, who was Sleeping peacefully, She smiled for quite a bit before Clearing Her throat, "I'll call an Uber..."

They started to walk into the Airport.

Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, wondering Why Anne stared at Marcy for so long until it Hit Her, '...She doesn't have a crush on Marcy, right?' She thought,

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