Chapter 1 : My little Anna-Banana~

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Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, happily walked out of Anne's workplace—the aquarium of the pacific—but before they could even take one more step, Marcy stopped them, "Wait!"

The other two looked at Marcy with a raised brow, Marcy ignored their questioning looks and grabbed her tote bag from her side, quickly rummaging through it, "Before I forget..." she mumbled before pulling out her pastel green polaroid camera, "Let's take a photo!" she excitedly squealed, holding onto the polaroid camera to her chest and resisting the urge to bounce up and down.

Anne giggled a bit at her friend's excitement, "I'd love to!" Anne then gasped as an idea popped into her mind, "Oh my frog, we should take a photo every time we're together!"

Sasha smiled brightly at the brunette's suggestion, "Great idea Anna-Banana! we are rarely all together anymore, it would be fun to see how many photos we see in a year," Sasha chuckled before continuing, "and only when it's all three of us," she tilted her head over to Anne, "when we become roommates, that might be too many photos..."

Marcy curled her lips in, forcing a smile as she nodded, "Yeah... um..." she let out a nervous laugh before continuing, "Great idea Anna-Banana!" the raven-haired girl let out a quiet sigh, clearly anxious about the way the conversation was going, but keeping that to herself.

"Now just a place to put the camera..." Marcy thought aloud, looking around a couple times before realizing there really weren't that many spots to put the camera, so obviously the correct thing to do after finding nothing, was to frantically look around while speed walking. She almost tripped three times in the process, Anne and Sasha watching her do so.

The two friends offered to help many times, but every time they did, Marcy would answer with "I got it." so they settled with making sure Marcy didn't fall in her search.

Eventually, a kind soul walked up to her, tapping Marcy on the shoulder as she asked, "Hello, um... do you need someone to take your photo for you ma'am?"

Before Marcy could respond, Sasha and Anne walked up to each side of her, placing a hand on her shoulder as they answered for her, "Yes please." they said simultaneously.

Marcy sighed, accepting defeat and handing the stranger her camera, "Yes please..."

The girls got into their poses, Anne in the center, Sasha on the left, and Marcy on the right, Sasha and Marcy intertwining their fingers with the brunette's and holding up their hands. Once they were ready, they gave the helpful stranger a thumbs up.

They nodded in response, holding up the camera and counting down for them, "Three,"

Marcy and Sasha looked over to Anne,


Anne closed her eyes, squeezing her friend's hands tighter and her smile brightening, her overwhelming joy making some tears form in the corners of her eyes,


Marcy and Sasha's eyes softened, their smiles going from picture smiles, to real genuine ones.


The helpful stranger handed Marcy back her camera with a kind smile on their face, "It looks great!" they complimented. The three thanked them as they walked away, all saying their own different but similar versions of "Thank you!"

The helpful stranger simply smiled as they answered back with a wave, "My pleasure!"

Once they turned back around—and was far away—Sasha squinted her eyes, crossing her arms as she said, "...They totally work at Chick-fil-a"

Roommates | A Sashannarcy Story |Where stories live. Discover now