Chapter 27 : A Murderer ooOOooOOoo~

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Sasha and Anne held hands as They walked out of the Bathroom, Sasha smiled at Her, "I gotta grab my stuff but Then I'll be ready to go, okay?"

Anne smiled, tightly squeezing Her hand before Letting go, "Okay."

Sasha left to Her office, Anne heard a little 'psst' Sound, She looked over to The Receptionist, who was making the Noise.

"Anne?" Emily asked, Anne smiled, "Yes?"

Emily concernedly smiled, "Are you okay? You seemed pretty upset Earlier."

Anne happily tilted Her head, "Yeah I'm fine! Thanks."

Emily sat up straight, "Oh also,"

Anne smiled, making a 'Hm?' noise, Emily smirked, pointing to Her face, "You have some pink lipgloss on your Bottom lip."

Anne immediately blushed, She wiped Her mouth off, "O-oh... um... thanks..."

Suddenly, Sasha came out of Her office, She walked up to Emily, "Yo, Em, I need you to Cancel my Appointments for today, Something came up."

Emily smiled, "you got it!"

Sasha chuckled, "Thanks!" She held Anne's hand, "Let's go."

Anne blushed, "Sounds good."

They both walked out of the Building, Anne smiled at Sasha, "I'll see you at the Apartment."

Sasha smiled back, "Okay," She gave Anne a kiss on the Cheek before walking towards Her car, waving at Her, "See you in a bit~!"

Anne giggled and held Her face where Sasha kissed her, She walked towards Her car as well, Swiftly driving to the Apartment, Sasha behind Her.

Anne's face turned even Redder, '...I'm about to Officially be dating My Best Friends/Crushes...'

She squealed the entire Drive home.


Marcy sighed as She shook out Her wrists, "Why did I make this art style so Damn pretty..." She groaned, "It's so difficult!"

Suddenly, She heard the door unlock and open, She furrowed Her eyebrows, "...Sasha? Anne? is that you or a Murderer?"

"A Murderer ooOOooOOoo~"

Marcy giggled, putting Her tablet to the side, "I'm smart enough to know Murderers don't declare They're Murderers."

Sasha and Anne came out of Their hiding spot, "You got us." Anne admitted, Her hands up.

Marcy stood up, "What are you two doing Home so early? It's not 5:00 already, right?"

Sasha shook Her head, "Nope, but something happened during Therapy that made us Need to come home."

Marcy furrowed Her eyebrows, a little worried, "What happened?"

Anne blushed, "I accidentally told Sasha that I uh... had Crushes on both of you."

Marcy's mouth dropped, "...really?"

Anne nodded, Marcy immediately ran up to Them, giving Them both a Big Hug, She started giggling Excessively, Anne and Sasha hugged Her back.

Marcy put Her head back so She could look at both of Them, Smiling Brightly, "So... are we All Dating now?"

Anne smirked, "I sure hope so."

Sasha chuckled, "Ditto."

Marcy gave Them both a kiss on the Cheek before letting go, "Good." She blushed a little, "Now I have Two Girlfriends... Younger Me would be so proud!"

Anne giggled, "So uh... Do you guys wanna watch Something? Since we have the rest of the Day off?"

Marcy smirked, "Correction, you two have the Rest of the day off." She smiled brightly, "But yes! It'll be nice to have some Background noise other than Music."

Sasha took off Her jacket and put it on the Coatrack, "What do you wanna watch?"

Anne smirked, "...How about Euphoria?"

Marcy and Sasha looked at each other before sighing, "Yeah okay." Marcy agreed, Sasha nodded, "For you, I guess."

Anne immediately shot Her Arms in the Air, "Yes! you two will not regret This!"

Anne smiled softly, "I'll go get changed, and then we'll Get Started~!" She said, the 'Get Started' part in a Sing-Song voice.

Anne went into Her room, Sasha smiled, "That's a good idea, I'll be right back Mar-Mar."

Marcy sat down on the Couch, grabbing the Remote, "Alright, I'll set up the Show."

While Sasha and Anne got changed, Marcy opened HBO Max, then went to Euphoria, She squinted Her eyes at the Description, " 'Seventeen-year-old Rue returns home from rehab with no plans to stay clean.'?"

She chuckled, "Well that sounds Depressing."

Marcy patiently waited for The two to come back, Once They did Marcy smiled brightly, She put Her hands-on Her face, "You two look so cute!!"

Sasha and Anne both blushed, Anne nervously rubbed Her arm, "It's just Pajamas..." She giggled a bit, putting a hand on Her hip, "Although, Sasha does look pretty cute." She said with a smirk.

Sasha's blush deepened, "You're cuter Boonchuy!"

Anne playfully rolled Her eyes, "Oh, I dunno-" Anne cut Herself off when Sasha scooped Her up, putting Her over Her shoulder, Anne squeaked, "W-What're you doing?"

Sasha smirked, gently jumping around, ending up behind the Couch, "Holding you until you admit You look Adorable right now."

Anne smirked, "No! I'm just wearing Pajamas!"

Sasha started tickling Her side, Anne bursted out into Laughter, "Okay! Okay!" She gently kicked Her legs, "I'm Adorable!"

Sasha sat Her down on the couch, "Darn right!" She slowly turned Her head to Marcy, smirking Devilishly, "Now it's your Turn Mars-Bars~"

Marcy put a hand up to stop Her, "Nuh-uh! I already know I'm adorable Sash."

Sasha giggled, "Good." She immediately started Blowing Raspberries into Her cheek, Marcy giggled, "Oh no! Love!"

After a bit, Sasha stopped and walked around the Couch to sit down, Her on the right side next to Anne, Anne in the Middle, and Marcy on the Left.

Sasha smiled, "Alright, let's start this Show."

Anne pressed play, She started gently kicking Her legs as it Started up, "I'm so excited for you guys to see this!! It's amazing!"

Sasha grabbed a Blanket, She put Her arm around Anne, "Yeah, I'm excited to see this Big Boobied Sasha."

Anne blushed, "It was one time!!"

Sasha giggled, She wiggled Her fingers at Marcy, "Mar-Mar~ wanna hold my hand?"

Marcy shook Her head, "No, I'm drawing the Characters of my Series for tonight's Live Stream." She looked up, "Oh! I almost forgot,"

She grabbed the Remote from Anne, pausing the Show, She smiled, "Tonight, I'm Live-streaming for the First time in this Apartment, so I need you two to be Quiet,"

"I'm going to be Recording it in Here since my Room's a bit Messy, so If you need something from Here, just Text me, okay?"

Anne sweetly smiled, "Of course Mars!"

Sasha smiled as well, "We'll be super quiet."

Marcy smiled, "Thanks~!" She pressed Play and Handed the remote back to Anne and resting Her legs on Her Girlfriends laps.

Anne leaned Her head on Sasha's shoulder, 'I love them so much...' Anne thought before Sighing Happily.

Published :
July, 5th, 2022.

Word Count :

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