Chapter 5 : that New Body.

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Anne wiped some Sweat off of Her forehead, "Whew! I think I need to take a break... is that okay?"

Sasha put a box next to Her's, "Yeah! totally Anne, you just brought in like 15 Boxes without stopping!"

Marcy pushed a box into the Apartment, "You take a break too, Sasha."

Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, "Huh? Why?"

Marcy raised an eyebrow, leaning on the Box She just brought in, "You also just carried like, 15 Boxes, You deserve a Break."

Sasha blew a raspberry, "I'm completely fine!"

Anne took off Her shirt and Throw it in a Corner, wearing a Sports bra underneath, She smiled at Sasha, "C'mon Sash, just a little Break?"

Sasha blushed, "O-Okay... only if it's a tiny one."

Anne's smile turned into a smirk, "Oh it's gonna be Microscopic." She let out a tiny chuckle before looking at Marcy, "You gonna join us Mar-Mar?"

Marcy shook Her head, "Nah, This is my chance to get My weak Drawing arms Into Buff Drawing arms!"

Anne and Sasha giggled, Anne happily waved to Her, "Good luck~!"

Sasha sweetly smiled at Her, but it quickly turned Sad, She waited until Marcy left before Asking, "Hey Anne, I was wondering about something."

Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "Hm? what's up Sash?"

Sasha quietly took a deep breath before sitting down on the ground, Anne sitting next to Her, "I've been seeing the way You look at Marcy and... I was wondering If you have a Crush on Her?"

Anne blushed, "W-What?" She blew a raspberry, "Nope! Totally not, I don't even know What you're talking about."

Sasha chuckled, "C'mon Anne, I'm a Therapist, I can read you like a book."

Anne's blush spread, "I-I just missed Her is all!"

"Mhmm." Sasha simply replied,

Anne squinted Her eyes, "You got Nothing on me, Waybright!"

Sasha smirked, "I actually do, Boonchuy."

Anne's blush somehow spread even more, "I-..." She looked at Her knees, "Okay, Maybe I... do have feelings for Marcy,"

She crossed Her arms, "It's just that... We're finally together again, I don't want to make things awkward and split all of us apart..."

Sasha put a hand on Her shoulder, "Anne, you could never split us up, We both love you too much to let you go!" She lightly chuckled, "But seriously, you should Tell Her, if you don't it's just going to Bubble up and Spill out at the Worst time."

Sasha nervously rubbed the back of Her head, "Also you're like, Gorgeous, who Wouldn't want to date you?"

Anne blushed, Sasha smiled, "Well I think I'm gonna get back to work, I don't want Marcy trying to get my Weights."

Anne watched Her as She left, leaving Her extremely Flustered and Confused.

Sasha made Her way outside The Apartment, Trying not to Cry on Her way.

She smiled When She saw Marcy, but When She saw what Box She was pushing, She immediately ran over there, upset.

"Marcy! what do you think you're doing?" She asked,

Marcy pushed the box, Although it barely moved, "Moving... Boxes..." She slipped and fell onto the Box, just staying there, "What do you think?"

Sasha sighed, "Marce, those are My weights." She picked up the Box, "What if you hurt yourself? I would be so upset."

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