Chapter 36 : You're gonna have to try harder than that~

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"You wanna Make-Out?"

Anne blushed, "uh..." She picked up Domino, walking towards the door, and Shutting Her out of the room before turning back to Marcy with a smile, "Yes."

Marcy giggled as Anne walked up to Her, gently kissing Her lips.

Marcy smiled against Her lips before Anne let go, She sat down on Her bed next to Marcy, grabbing Her hand before kissing Her again.

Marcy slowly moved Her hands up Anne's arms, then to Her shoulders.

She kept Her left hand on Anne's shoulder, Her other arm moved to Her back, gently rubbing circles into it with Her palm.

Anne leaned forward onto Marcy, putting one of Her hands-on Her thigh, making Marcy blush a bit.

Marcy moved Her hand back to Anne's shoulder, gently pushing Her off, Anne looked at Her with half-lidded eyes, "Something wrong?"

Marcy nervously bit Her bottom lip, "Um... How long did you have a Crush on me?"

Anne blushed, "W-what?"

Marcy put a piece of Hair behind Her ear, "Over dinner your Dad said you broke up with Sasha because of me, Obviously, that means you liked me, how long did you like me?"

Anne's face reddened, "Why are you asking me this?"

Marcy pouted a little, "I'm just curious..."

Anne looked away from Marcy, "...Since 7th Grade..."

Marcy's eyes sparkled, "really...?"

Anne nervously chuckled, "yeah-"

Marcy cut Her off with a Kiss, digging Her fingers into Anne's shoulders as She Deeply kissed Her lips.

Anne's eyes went wide as Marcy forced Her to Lay down.

Anne brought one of Her hands to Marcy's waist, the Other to Her cheek, feeling the warmth radiating off of it.

When they let go for Air, Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "Are you planning on taking control for this little Make-out Sesh?"

Marcy snickered, "Yeah, maybe."

Anne smirked, "Well then," She flipped Marcy over to Her back, so She was on top of Her and pinning Her, "You're gonna have to try harder than that~"

Marcy reached up to the Collar of Anne's shirt, pulling Her down, "I can be in charge even on the Bottom, Boonchuy."

Anne looked down at Marcy's lips before They both smashed Their lips into each others, slowly creating a rhythm together.

Anne let herself sit on Marcy's hips as She sat up, She shook The Hair out of Her eyes before dragging Her fingers down Marcy's neck, She smirked, "I'm gonna do something I'm assuming Sasha did,"

Marcy blushed as Anne moved Her hair away from Her neck, "what are you talking about...?"

Anne bent down to Her neck, "I saw the Hickeys, Mars, you didn't do too good at Covering Them up."

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