Chapter 37 : Mysterious Lady!

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Marcy waved goodbye to Her Girlfriends as They left for work, She happily sighed, "Those cuties..."

She let out a giggle, '2 more days until our First date!!' She thought with a Goofy smile on Her lips, She stood up stretching Her arms a bit, "But enough thinking about How adorable They are, I got work to do."

Marcy quickly walked into Her room, Grabbing Her Drawing Tablet, Her Stylist pen, and a Blanket before walking back into the Living Room.

When She got there She saw Domino and Grime Jr fighting on the Table, She gasped, "cat fight..." She whispered to Herself before grabbing Her phone, Filming the two Play Fight.

When The cats were Fighting, They knocked off a Folder, Marcy pouted, "Oh darn it." She stopped filming and went to pick it up, When She did She saw 'Anne Boonchuy: Herpetologist Information for April 20th' on the front with a Sticky note attached saying, 'DO NOT FORGET!!!'.

Marcy quickly picked it up, "Shoot... it's April 20th, Anne must've forgotten..."

She smiled, striking a Heroic pose, "No matter! I, Marcy Regina Wu, Writer and Artist of 'The Adventures of Annabelle', Player of all Video Games, Savior of Earth and Amphibia, will Give this Folder to the Dear Anne Savisa Boonchuy, saving Her from having to Drive back home."

The cats looked at Marcy with a Confused face, Marcy looked back at them, "You wouldn't get it, it's a Yunan thing."

Marcy quickly ran back into Her room, changing out of Her Pajamas and into some Ripped Jeans, putting on a Long T-Shirt with a stardew chicken on it, and tucking the back of it into Her jeans.

She took a Hair clip and quickly clipped all of Her hair into a makeshift bun, taking some pieces out by Her ears and forehead before running back out of Her room.

She slid on some Sandals by the door, before She left She looked back at the cats, "Be good Kitty-Cat's while I'm gone, Okay Honeybuns?"

The cats did not respond.

She giggled, "Good Cats."

Marcy quickly grabbed Her keys, before leaving with Her phone, and Anne's folder, heading over to Anne's workplace.

Anne smiled as She showed the Frog to Her class, "And This is a Northern leopard Frog, although Sometimes They're called 'Meadow Frogs' because They're also often Found by Meadows-"


Anne jumped as She got cut off, She held the frog close to Her, "...Is that Marcy-"

"YOU FORGOT YOUR FOLDER!!" Marcy yelled, cutting Her off once again.

Anne quickly put the frog back in Its habitat, She furrowed Her eyebrows, "What folder?"

Marcy gasped for Air when She got to Anne, "Your-... Your Work-... oh boy I need to work out..."

She sighed before standing up, Handing the Folder to Anne with a Smirk, "Your Work Folder~"

Anne squinted Her eyes at the Folder before sighing, "Mars, This folder was for Yesterday."

Marcy furrowed Her eyebrows, "but it says the 20th?"

Anne sweetly smiled, "It's the 21st."

Marcy blinked before smacking Her head, "You're right, man I can't believe I forgot."

Anne chuckled, "It's okay Marbles, it was sweet of you to come give me it."

Marcy nervously smiled, "I try."

Anne handed the folder back to Marcy, "Now could you take this Home? I need to keep Teaching this class About Amphibians-"


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