Chapter 2 : Taiwanese Pancakes

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Marcy woke up to the sound of her alarm clock blasting—which was just her phone, her actual alarm clock was packed along with most of her belongings—she let out a long annoyed groan as she tapped around her bed with her eyes closed, but after about fifteen seconds with no avail, she decided to open her eyes, finding that her phone was closer to her face then she anticipated, curling her lips in and sitting up before finally pressing 'stop'.

Once the alarm stopped screaming at her, she rubbed her eyes before smacking her lips together and looking back to her phone to check the time, "5:32 AM..." she spoke aloud to herself, putting her phone in her pocket as she continued, "enough time to cook breakfast for them..."

She forced herself to stand up, feeling her legs wobble uncontrollably as she stumbled towards the kitchen—she did stay up until three in the morning drawing, no wonder she feels clumsier than normal.

When she got there, she saw Sasha and Anne—her kitchen was an open kitchen connected to the living room, both very small, she was a webcomic artist after all, not like she was made out of money—sleeping peacefully on her pullout couch, Sasha sleeping on her side and cuddling cutely into her pillow, Anne on the other hand, was on her back, arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish with a big puddle of drool seeping out of her mouth.

Marcy let a goofy smile take over her lips, admiring the two—longer than a 'platonic bestie' should—until she remembered the reason why she woke up so early in the first place, to cook her friend's taiwanese pancakes.

This weekend her girls—Anne and Sasha—flew back to Massachusetts to help her pack, so that's why she decided to cook such a nice breakfast for the last day, despite the fact she kinda sucked at cooking.

Once Marcy finally was able to pull her eyes away from the cute sight that was her crushes dreaming, she had to start cooking. She intertwined her fingers together and lifted her arms above her head to stretch as she thought, 'Okay Marce, time to cook, wake up!!'

She let out a sigh as she let her arms drop back to her sides, only for a moment however because she quickly put them into a messy high ponytail, going over to grab an apron from her cabinet before remembering she put it in a moving box, pouting and accepting her clothes were most likely going to be dirty for the flight home.

Marcy grabbed her phone from her pocket, putting on BLACKPINK to motivate herself before cracking her knuckles, a smirk on her lips as she told herself, "You got this Mars-Bars~"

The ravenette quickly washed her hands before getting out some flour and some salt, already regretting her decision to cook that morning, hopefully her girls would appreciate the gesture.

She also got out a bowl, stirring the flour and salt together with chopsticks, pouting when she got the powder mixture on her shirt, but knowing that she'd already spill most of the ingredients on herself in the beginning, she just continued; adding hot water to the bowl.

When she finished adding in all the hot water the recipe required, she started kneading it in the bowl with her hands for about two minutes, humming along to the song the entire time as the dough came together.

Once that was done, she put the bowl to the side so she had room to take out a bottle of vegetable oil, white pepper, scallions, a chopping board, and a knife. She finely chopped up the scallions, desperately trying to not cut herself—and despite the fact she had three hours of sleep and she was clumsy beyond belief—she surprisingly succeeded.

Marcy then combined the freshly cut scallions, flour, and white pepper in a heat-safe bowl. Heating up the vegetable oil in a small saucepan, waiting for it to simmer. When it began to bubble a bit she poured it over the scallions in the heat-safe bowl, watching the combination begin to sizzle—the oil popped her quite a bit, but she just powered through—stirring it until it turned into a smooth paste.

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