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Bakugou's pov:

"I wish you could just die nobody likes you so why do you ever think I would! HA your pathetic"
"Yeah Bakugou, you're so aggressive all the time it's no wonder why you're so annoying"
"You've got no talent plus the fact how you're simply just weak and useless, you're a monster"
"Just go away and never come back, it'll be better that way with you gone, beacause all you ever do is cause suffering and fear wherever you go, you are a heartless bully"
"That's why you have no friends you are basically a dumb villain"

I gasped, having uneven breathing as I practically jumped out of bed, looking around the room frantically.
It was just another stupid, fucking nightmare..... I thought to myself as i lay there in a cold sweat, tightly gripping onto my blanket. It felt so real though, well it sort of is real that Is what everyone thinks of me and what I actually am,a weak, heartless monster whom not even a mother could love. Well to prove my point the old hag doesn't love me so I'm right I guess... I shifted my view towards my clock. The red luminescent numbers read 04:27am. I turned my head, looking out of the small gap between my curtains that after lead to the sliding, glass doors, as a small glow of the moonlight shone through. I sighed as I threw my blanket off of myself getting up and walking toward my desk. I opened the top draw to the right and reached to the back. "There it is" I whispered to myself as the cold steel touched my finger. Quickly, I took it out, walking back to my bed and sitting next to it leaning my back against the side.

Do it cut, slice, slit, you are so weak

Let out the pain

You are a heartless villain you should kill yourself

Nobody cares for you

Nobody ever will




Slit those wrists of yours....

Go on..

Do it..

"Who am I kidding I am just a stupid villain, what do they care." I chuckled to myself silently, as I slowly dropped my head, to face my already bandaged up arm even though I could see the blood seeping through the material. Hesitantly, I unravelled the poorly done bandage job with my trembling hand. I stared down at my still somewhat fresh wounds from the day prior. Still shaking, I grasped onto the small pocket knife.

You deserve to die
Everyone hates you
You are a villain
Nobody cares
Nobody will ever care
Kill yourself
Go on kill yourself
Nobody will notice
Only that they will be happier

hastily, I sliced my skin and watched as the blood trickled down my arm, onto my palms, to the tip of my fingers then it dripped to the wooded floor. The more I slit my wrist, the more blood gathered into a puddle on the wood panels as I soon noticed I ran out of space. In the frantic state I was, unable to stop the voices from taking over, I really was weak.

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