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"fucking think!"

He hit his head into his balled up hands. Nothing...

"what are you-..."

3rd person (。-ω-)

Denki was wabbling in his seat bouncing his leg as his hand stretched up.

"Yes Kaminari?"

Aizawa answered with an exasperated sigh

"Can i go to the toilet please please pleaaasseeee"

Denki whined, wriggling back and forth in his seat, Mina Kirishima and Sero silently snickering at him.


Denki raised an eyebrow with an over exaggerated frown.

"But siirrr I'm desperate"

His friends tried to hold back even more laughter at Denki high pitched voice.

"Only one student is allowed out of the classroom at a time"

Denki had a confused look on his face with a sudden boink of realisation.

"but Bakubro's been out for agesssss hmph"

Aizawa looked at Bakugou's seat switching his gaze to the clock on his computer, its been 25 minutes.

"Maybe someone should go check, Iid-"


Kirishima cut Aizawa off, shooting out of his seat, arm practically reaching for the stars.

"Ok-ay... you can go..., but be quick"

Kirishima leaped out of his seat, skipping to the door leaving the rest of the class chuckling.

He walked to the closest bathroom and opened the door quietly.

"fucking think!"

his gaze faltered trying to make sure it was Bakugou, his blazer was covered in blood and he looked terrified. As the blonde hit his head Kirishima couldn't move his body except for his tongue.

"what are you-..."

Kirishima was able to move his body after Bakugou looked up at him dread in his eyes. The red haired boy rushed over to the latter.

Kiri pov ( ω-、)

I couldn't believe my eyes, my best bro kneese up to his chest on the floor of the bathroom covered in blood.

"A-are you okay? what happened? I- Are- W-what"

I was so shocked i felt out of breath i struggled to spill my words out, i said it so fast it was more like word vomit. I took a deep breath in.

"First of all why is there blood all over you... please?"


"What happened to you, are you okay?"

I swallowed it all down as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. His guilty face looked at the ground.

"Can you stand up for me"

He keeps looking at the floor, i crouch down more to get his arm over my shoulder as i hold his waist to help him stand up. He winced slightly when his arm hit my back. I sigh.

"I'll stop with the questions but i think you should take that off."

He looks almost frightened by that idea but he obviously can't go back to class like that. I know. I take off my blazer and hand it to him, i turn around so i can't see him.

"Put it on, its okay Its not that cold I'll be fine, I'm not looking"

I hear the ruffling of clothes and after a few seconds it stops.


A low hum comes from behind me as i turn back around.

"Perfect fit."

I smile, trying to be as comforting as i can. I'm not totally sure what happened but i do know i shouldn't be harsh on him.

"Can i? Cmon let's head back to class."

I place my hand out to take his blazer so it doesn't look suspicious that he has 2. I bunch it up so nobody can see the blood as we start to head back to class. We walk side by side as i fill the silence with mindless chatting to lighten the mood with the occasional hum or scoff from Bakugou. We made it to the classroom splitting off to our own seats as Denki sprang out his seat into a sprint to the toilet.

Aizawa opened his mouth to speak as he stared at Bakugou but decided against it and turned back to sleeping. Bakugou on the other hand was looking down at his shaking hands, i really wonder what had happened was that his blood... but how?

He seemed to stare off in the distance, shoulders slumped, slouched down into his chair, his head hung low with small strands of his hair just covering his eyes softly. He bit at his lip, his perfect lips that i want to feel with mine against his. I shake my head. No! bad Eijiro he's your friend, best friend but i can't stop looking at him. The sliver of light that peered out from the crack of the window blind, shone perfectly over his eyes highlighting that beautiful crimson red that i love.

Bakugou seemed to look back at me, no glare just calm, i guess he felt my gaze lingering on him. I'm not very slick am i haha. I smile at him tenderly, he looked down at my blazer on him and back at me with soft eyes, guilty eyes. I gently shake my head, to say dont worry about it, and smile again as he turns back around and lifts the material away from contact with his arm, bit strange but whatever.

Denki comes back in the classroom appearing much more relieved, as he jumps back to his seat and releases a sigh of relief. We continue with our work and it wasn't too hard so the lesson flew by and before we knew it the bell rang. Break time!

954 words
sorry for not posting in a little while ive been busy with skl and stuff. This is just a bit of a shorter chapter and i think I'll stay about this length from now on just cause i can't rlly be arsed. ANYWAY. stay safe.
Have a great day/night.

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