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A weight just dropped on me. Was he. Did he...

Bakugou pov

The sound of footsteps leaving the outside of my door slowly faded away as I sat on the floor, knees pushed up against my chest. I wanted to forget everything and just disappear already... I guess i could get started on the letters I haven't had the chance to. The faster I finish these letters I can just leave it all behind. Sluggishly, I stood up from the floor as I continue to head to my desk and take a seat. Grabbing a couple pieces of lined paper, I open one of my side drawers as I also pick up a pen. I've always had a weird connection with poetry but after a while I kinda just lost my excitement about things, probably just me growing up. Now that I think about it I lost touch with most of my hobbies. Nothing can make me all giddy nowadays. I just train, train, train all the time to improve my self worth but that was all for nothing I guess. Lately, the things that calm me....well not calm more as in distract me for a short while, aren't really the healthiest things but I refuse to drop them. There is one thing that isn't harmful, drawing landscapes, focusing on a beautiful scene and just sketch, sometimes I use watercolour paints. It let's me put all my attention on drawing that one thing, it clears my mind of most negative thoughts. Although they may still be there, It  just pushes them to the side for a bit, but lately I don't really like it anymore it doesn't help at all anymore.

Maybe I should get started on the letters that's the whole point I'm at my desk right now. I place one sheet of paper in front of me and grab my pen. Who should I write for first?


Dear #Deku# Midoriya Izuku

I know I've been an asshole to you I really am sorry for all the shit and pain I've caused you, I'm aware I'm definitely in no place for forgiveness. The bullying was just me placing my insecurities on you. You were a great friend and I ruined our friendship and your childhood. I'm certain you hate me and want me dead well...
You're in luck, I'm taking my own advise. I suppose you can finally berid me and be a better version of yourself when you do. You can be happy and carry on, be the best successor for All Might. As you are an amazing hero.

If you believe hard enough, you can be the number 1 hero in all of Japan. Please never give up, try your hardest and most of all don't be a dickhead like me.
No regrets.

~Bakugo Katsuki ( Kacchan )


Finally that shits done. I guess i should do one for Aizawa Sensei he has been, and I hate to admit it, a great teacher so I shouldn't leave him hanging. Slowly, I move the letter for Deku aside and begin to write a letter for Aizawa to pass the time to my inevitable death beacause in all reality, that some people are too fucking pussy to admit but life is just a long wait until you die nothing else to it. Just some fucked up shit inbetween. That's just the fucking truth behind all this bullshit you call "life". I would much rather be in hell at least I would be able to feel something instead of desolating emptiness.

Time skip because my hands are tired 😅

I finish writing the letter when suddenly from across the room, I heard my phone going off. I stand up and walk over to my phone. As soon as I see the contact my head starts filling with questions. Why the fuck is she calling me? What did I do wrong? did I do something? why? why? why? why?
As the questions fogged up my mind the call had ended already and I was awoken from my entranced mind by the sound of my ringtone going off again. hesitantly, I answered the call.
Bakugou: "he-"

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