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Saved by the.... Aizawa I guess

The class began, as I felt guilty eyes burn into the back of my head... Kirishima. I thought to myself wanting to hug him, let him comfort me all night, have him kiss all my worries away with his sweet words, sweet voice, sweet face... WHAT AM I THINKING. this is the exact reason why...just block it out and all will be fine. Just fine, I can do that, block all my feelings out of the way. Perfect...haha great.

"Alright now for this assignment I want you to pair up, you can choose who to pair with and sit next to each other."
Aizawa announced as students began to get up and pick who to be with.
Like always, I stay put in my seat and Shitty hair comes frolicking over to me, like a fucking garden fairy ready to sprinkle magic sparkle dust on me, but this time he had a sad smile painted on his face as he came over to the chair next to mine. i hate being pitied.
" ...Um...hey do you think we can talk about what hap-"
"you can get started on the presentation Shitty hair, I'll do the research"
The look of disappointment spread across Hair for brains' face as I interrupted the start to a very awkward and uncomfortable conversation.
"O-oh Alright..."



'ah shit here we go again' The 'Voice' is back to fuck things up, why always in the middle of class when there's people around. I can't come across as weak.

But you are weak stupid
Just accept it
you can't be anything else
you're too fucking pitiful

it's not like I didn't already know that but it still stings.

Awwe are you hurt darling?
is that what you want me to say because like fuck I will. okay I don't give a single shit about you, do you really think anyone else does.

but maybe, just maybe there's that slight chance that at least someone cares about me.

oh really. A slight chance.
c'mon be fucking realistic you delusional bitch. No-one in their right mind would care let alone like a fatass like you. You're just hoping that somebody cares enough to save you from this prison inside your mind.

That's not true.

Not true?
are you serious?
All you do is hope to be saved like a damsel in distress by a big, strong hero. But I'll let you in on a little secret...there are no hero's to get saved by because in truth society is run by fame and money. Although you have both, fame and money. Your parents successful in the fashion industry and with that money your finances secured, being popular all your life, first place at the U.A sports festival assuring almost everyone you walk past by on the street would have seen you and with high probability, know your name.
But that's the thing it's not enough for your greedy ass, is it?
because in reality all you want is to be dead. to kill yourself.
how selfish.
Well to be honest I agree with you, you should be dead, you do deserve pain and suffering.

How the fuck am I suppost to think. its too loud. the sound of the 'Voice' is unbearable.
but what if I am selfish and only wish to be dead... so what?

I suppose you think it will end there. don't you?

What do you mean?

that once you kill yourself it will all be over, like dream come true.



Don't you get it. I will forever be by your side, in your mind, everywhere, at all times. There is no end to the suffering that you so clearly desire. You can't be saved, I can't be stopped from taking over your body, so don't even try to resist my power.

So get used to me sticking around, because I will not be leaving.


Night night.

Just as the words "night night" echoed through my head, things started to become hazed I couldn't concentrate on my surroundings let alone my own thoughts.
Please eyes just focus.
Why can't I do anything.
What the Fuck is happening.
why isn't my body responding to me


"h-huh w-what"
I responded, finally being released from my trance thank fuck for that.

"Hey what was that about?"
I was genuinely confused at what Kirishima had just asked, the words were just not wording. they were meaningless. kind of like me, I guess I am kind of like a random word in a sentence that just doesn't make any sence what so ever.
"What was what about"

"you kind of spaced out, plus it isn't like you to not have any work done by now."
"Are you sure you're fine, because you really don't seem like you're "fine"?"
"Well I am fine, I just dozed off a bit, it's really nothing. let's just get on with the work"
"Ok...if you're sure"

Kiri pov =0

We continued on with our project, yet something felt... off about Bakugou. he's acting so weird today, he's not like himself at all. I'm kinda worried about him, what happened to make him cry like that, and why is he completely flat out pretending like nothing happened. Its really bad to hide your feelings, believe me I know, but what can I do to help.
By the time I began to realise I was staring at Bakugou is right when he noticed it himself.
"Stop staring at me like that it's fucking weird!"
"Oh sorry."
I apologised looking back down at the table, slightly flustered, still asking myself what I could do to help my best friend.

✨️Time skip✨️
(my favorite writing tool 😍)
Baku pov (ㅜ^ㅜ)

"Aaaaah finalllyyyy, its lunch nghh" Raccoon eyes stretched, launching herself over toward me and Kirishima.
"Let's go. to. Lunch! Cause I'm so hungryyyyy"

"Me too Ashido. im staarving. You commin' Bakubro?"
Shitty hair asked as I was met with questioning eyes, I can't help but give into his warm smile.
"Yeah yeah whatever."
I agreed and with that, was dragged to the cafeteria with them. surprisingly, Raccoon eyes appeared next to me, whispering something to me in a suspicious mannerism.
"sooooo, Bakubabe-"
I paused.
"what do you want Raccoon eyes"
Rolling her eyes she turns back to me.
"Do you, The Bakugou, have a crush on anyone" She giggled wiggling her eyebrows with an "innocent" grin, as I came to a stop in the hallway metres away from the cafeteria doorway.
"what Kacchan, do you have a confession to make?"
Dunce face chuckled, raising his eyebrow that was followed by a very questionable laugh in which sounded oddly familiar to Donald Duck.
"Bro what was that!?"
Tape face teased
"Dude...I Don't Know!?"
Grabbing my hand with a powerful grip Raccoon eyes asked, staring deeply into my soul.
"Do YOU have a crush"
cutting me off, she sighed
"-And don't even bother lying, I mean I asked you before and you just stopped walking and now we're here, standing in the hallway"

Maybe she'll leave me alone if I tell her..?
"Maybe..so what. Not like you'll ever know who"
I carried on walking to the cafeteria as those idiots stood there dumbfounded at the answer I gave them. They're literally the ones who asked me, as I see it that's purely mad.

1284 words
hey sorry this took do long I'm very inconsistant at uploading so yeah here's a better chapter I suppose to make up. have a good day.

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