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I walk downstairs to the common room, it's dark and empty it's always like this when i walk in here. Lonely.

Baku pov 。・(つд'。)・。

As the cold air fills my lungs, the atmosphere felt blue, looking out the windows the sky was lit but the sun was out of sight. I shivered, tensing my shoulders and neck, as i made my way to a chair at the eating table. I pulled out my phone again to check the time, it had only been 4 minutes since i last checked. why does time seem to go so slow as of late. I sigh as i just scroll through my apps, back and forth between the pages. i don't know what to do to pass the time, i have about 40 minutes until i can head to the classroom. I know for sure i will see at least one person down here before i leave. I keep on scrolling through my phones apps, again back and forth.

I sigh, i look to the top right corner of my phone screen, 06:29. Its been 9 minutes of me just scrolling through my phone. What is wrong with me. I want to go already but i still have to wait another half an hour.

I unzip my school bag and take out my headphones after a little digging, i swipe down my screen to turn on my bluetooth. They connect. Before i even put my headphones on, i tap on spotify and go to my playlists and press play to the one named 'think in the dark'. 'I threw a rock off an overpass and killed a guy' by sign crushes motorist plays first. One of the most relatable songs. I go to put my hadphones on.

"Good morning! why are you up at this time Bakugou?"

A stern, robotic voice comes from the entrance to the boys dorms. I pause the song, put my headphones down and look in that direction. Iida, i knew I'd see him.

"I just am, four eyes."

I try to make my face look angry, i bet i look so fucking stupid.


Iida waves his arms ever so slightly in that robotic style he does. He goes over to kitchen and grabs a small lunchbox of breakfast i assume, he always prepares his breakfasts the night before. He open it up and places in in the microwave before starting it. He turns around to face me,

"Have you had anything to eat Bakugou?"

whats with the questions,


why is my voice so fucking soft, man i must look so weak. Gosh i'm so fucking dumb, why did i say it like that, he must be thinking I've gone soft. damn!

"Would you like some?"

why is he asking me this,


fuck! i said it the same way, i'm so fucking stupid.


the microwave beeps, as he open the door and takes the lunchbox out cautiously not to burn himself. He sets it down on the counter, grabs some chopsticks from the cutlery draw and stirs the food.

He turns around to face me again,

"Do you mind if i join you"

what? why would he want to do that plus it's not like I'll be entertaining conversation, he doesn't even like me, why would he want to sit next to me, i don't get it? why-.. what the fu-

"I'll take the silence as a yes then."

He comes closer, pulls out the chair next to me and sits down. He picks some food up with his chopsticks and before he puts it in his mouth he asks,

"Are you alright Bakugou?"


He takes a bite but keeps his eyes on me.

"You know, Kirishima was very worried about you... I noticed that he mentioned you in almost every conversation, saying you were not answerimg his calls...... It's not very nice to let someone worry about you so much."

He carrys on eating as if he said nothing.

You think i don't know, i know but it doesn't seem true. Why would anyone worry about ME, I'm worthless anyway so what's the point, but gosh i am a shitty person. It's all my fault. Why can't i do anything right? i can't even just be normal or inconspicuous. fuck I'm so fucking-
"Are you?"
Am i what, i look up to Iida,
"Are you okay"
"Why did you not leave your room? Also where did you go after you left the changing rooms? You weren't at hero training? You do know it is not up to par to not go to class, not very becoming of a future hero..."

I can't bare to look up again, what's with the questions, please... please just... leave me alone Iida.
I look down to the phone in my hands, 06:57. I should be able to go now, the classrooms should be opened by the time i get there. Without answering any of his questions i stand up with my things, start to walk to the door and leave. Good he didn't ask me anymore questions as i walked away, he just kept eating.

As i opened and stepped out the door, i put my headphones on and play the same song as before. Almost at the school entrance, the next song plays, 'You not the same' by TileKid. I go into school and walk through the somber hallways. It looked desolate at this time, its normally so crowded, i much prefer this. I wish people could just leave me alone. It's weird, i want people to know how i feel and what i do to myself but i want to hide away at the same time, so hypocritical of me.
Just as i enter the vacant classroom 'Stars will fall' by Duster plays.

I drag myself to my seat. I flop down like i've just done a mile hike or something, not out of breath but defeated, void of energy, and I've still got a full school day ahead yet. I pull out my phone to check the time one more time 07:03 I bury my head in my arms on the desk and close my eyes. It would be nice to fall asleep, I'm just so tired, i slept but i feel exhausted. Laying my head on my arms makes them throb on the cuts. My entire body aches, i want to cry so badly right now but i physically can't.

Soft patters on the window grow. its raining. The pitter-patter is calming, nostalgic almost. The rain gets heavier and heavier to where it starts to sound like crashing waves thumping against the glass and shatter it at any moment.

I wish crashing waves could take me away from here.

1169 words
again i'm releasing these chapters rapid fire cause i have like nothing to do and i want to make people who enjoy this story happy. Happy new year for tomorrow. Be safe♡
Have a great day!♡♡
( *'・ω)/(;д; )

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