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I opened my dorm door and rushed in, I sat on my bed and sighed as I hid my face in my hands. I contemplated.
Just contemplated.

Bakugo pov

Why do I bother staying alive?
What good do I do?
I just annoy everyone?
I'm just stupid and useless.
Unlike Deku he's perfect and even All Might my "hero" thinks so, well he used to be my "hero" I'm almost 100% sure he hates me.
He loves Deku but I'm just a Villain especially in their eyes. That's literally the reason I was kidnapped because the LOV thought I would make a great aspect to the Villains. I'm just as bad as them.
With me gone everyone will be happy.
All Might
My "Mum"
My "Dad"
All the teachers
Everyone in class
The media
The "bakusquad"
Even Shitty hair
I need to remember Shitty hair is also just acting like he cares it's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
It's just a lie.
It's just a lie.
It's just a lie.

Nobody really, truly cares.

I just sat for hours.
Sat stared at my wall and thought.
My thoughts were not good places.
I've honestly lost every place where I ever felt safe or comforted.
Like I ever had a somewhere like that.
I constantly feel stressed, overwhelmed and just angry with myself.
I can never get peace or quite.
Not anywhere.
My mind is like a maze with no escape only dead ends and continuous jump scares but I expect them as they happen so much but they get louder and louder ever time. It's torture.
That's just when I'm alone on a good day. Not like I have "good days" anyway they're just not as shit as the others.

I'm so tired of this bullshit I just want to end it. I mean I have no future. I'll die of starvation or I could just get it over with now. I'm going to do it sooner or later. There's no hope left for me. No amount of help can stop me now, not like anyone would help me anyway.

I should at least leave people some letters so they can laugh at how pathetic I am and have the happy memory of me finally dying.

Before I could go and start writing I heard a knock at my door. Shit
"Who the fuck is knocking on my door? What the hell do you want!"

"Oh it's Kirishima... I just wanted to tell you that dinner has been made so you should come and eat. It's Okonomiyaki. Cmon i wanna eat with my best bro."

I really couldnt be bothered to pretend to eat again and I really wouldn't be able to even stomach looking or smelling the food. Just hearing it made me feel sick.

"I'm not really hungry right now I might eat later so just fuck off"

"Alright see ya later bro."

Kirishima pov

"Hey Kirishima do you mind going and getting Bakugo to come and eat we all agreed to eat together as a class"

"Oh Sure Yaomomo no prob"


I sit up from the sofa and walked over to the lift. I pressed the button and stepped in. It eventually got to the 4th floor I walked out and made my way towards Bakugo's dorm. I go to knock on his door but I pause for a second. I'm gonna get shouted at I just know it
I gently knock at the door

"Who the fuck is knocking on my door? What the hell do you want!"


"Oh it's Kirishima...I just wanted to tell you that dinner has been made so you should come eat. It's Okonomiyaki. Cmon. i wanna eat with my best bro"

I wait for a response. After a little while I hear,

"I'm not really hungry right now I might eat later so just fuck off."

I don't take any offence to that as I get it alot. Although it's quite unusual behaviour for Bakugou to skip a meal he treats his body like a temple. Nothing too fatty and every meal is well balanced. But I didn't question it maybe he was studying, busy doing something else or just not actually hungry. Either way I head back downstairs.

"Oh where's Bakugo?"

"Apparently he isn't hungry or something he said he'll eat later."

"Oh alright"

I head over to the table with my meal, set my plate down and sit.

Time skip brought to you by Hisoka the horny pedo

"Hey its getting pretty late maybe we should go to bed."

" yeah i guess"

I sit up from my seat and begin to walk back to my dorm. What's that sound I think to myself progressively slowing down my pace. It kind of sounded like crying but not your normal sob more like a scream of such intense pain. Where is it coming from? Wait.. that sounds oddly like Bakubro. No. Hmm. Is he okay. Well mabey it isn't him. Just in case I should check up on him. As the "best friend" I should be there for him at every moment every time.
I don't like referring to him as my best friend. He's not my friend.

I want more than that.
I don't want to be just friends.
I sigh as I lift up my head, I should knock, he probably won't answer, say he is fine or push me away. Either way, I just hope he's ok.

I take a step closer to his door, slowly, I lift my hand and begin to knock on his door again. It feels like I do this alot. Knock. Knock. Knock.

No answer...
I was about to knock again when I hear sniffles and shuffling. Step. Step. Step. I start to hear the sound of footsteps. I pause. The turn of the doorknob awoke me of my trance. Steadily, the mahogany door opened.

A weight was dropped on me. Was he. Did he just...

Ha you thought
1043 words
Not including this part but this is a shorter one. I'll do a longer chapter but hope you still liked this one what do you think happened.

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