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I know just what to do this will be so good.
I know I know thank you for this award of geniusness, I am soo grateful.

Bakugou pov (凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

Can she just SHUT the FUCK up. Stop drawing attention to me oh my days I'm gonna fucking kill myself. just shut the fuck up. People are fucking looking at me just stop.

omnipresent pov

Just in time, right before Bakugou ran out, the bell for next period rang. Bakugou sighed in relief as he unclenched his jaw, standing up swiftly. Without hesitation the Blonde stomped out to the changing rooms, making his way far infront of the others, as they looked at each other confused except for Kirishima who in which had concern written all over his face.

Swiftly moving into the shower stalls, Bakugou changed into his hero costume as quick as the Flash and waited sitting on the bench in the changing rooms next to the others.

"Hey Bakugou"
a small ANNOYING voice called out from beneath.
Bakugou turned his attention toward the little grape fucker that deserves a sentence of eternal pain and suffering, the little perverted shit.

With a disgusted look Bakugou questioned he who shall not be named (aka grape fucker) with his eyes.
"Are you sure you're not a girl, I mean you have boobs like them and I wanna touch your boobs."
The pervert asked, reaching out for Bakugou's chest, groping it in his hand but that was short lived. Grape fucker felt a strong push to the floor by a hard material like a busted metal bat or rock perhaps. Seemingly 'unfazed' Bakugou stood their with the usual scowl on his face, but looking into his eyes you'd know that was not the case.

The whole room of boys stood silent for once, this unknown phenomenon was caused by a clearly angered Kirishima and a clearly injured and shocked grape fucker on the floor. Denki took out his phone and started filming quicker than hangry Mina infront of a pizza.
Nothing other than whispers could be heard in the few very long long seconds, but breaking the silence Grape fucker stated,

"You clearly are a girl you can't even stand up for yourself, YOU have to get your Boyfriend to do it for you."

This comment boiled Kirishima's blood.
Noticing Kirishima's clenched fist and jaw about to launch at the little grape fucker, Sero stepped in.
"Woah chill the fuck out homie. What's your problem with Bakugou, man, like no-one wants you here so stop dude. Like who the fuck gropes someone! Not cool."
Patting Kirishima's shoulder in reassurance Sero went back to his spot noticing that Kirishima's quirk was activated.
"Don't listen to him bro."
Kirishima nodded in agreement.

"Yo Bakugou you-?"

"Where's Bakugou?"

He was gone.
He just disappeared.
they were so focused on manifesting terrible, horrible, awful things for grape fuck that they didn't even see Bakugou leave.

Baku pov ♡♡♡

How the fuck could I just stand.
Why the fuck did I do nothing.
What the hell is wrong with me.
I couldn't even stand up for myself to some infant sized piece of fruit.
i slammed my fist against the sink counter in the 2nd floor boys bathroom.

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