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Listening to All Might explain the next thing i noticed how much Bakugou was shivering. It wasnt very noticeably but i could tell, yet its kind of odd. How are you shivering if its a warm day?

Kiri pov (* ' ▽ ' *)ノ

Finally back to the dorms. This day felt sooo long. It was such a roller-coaster, but at least i got to hold Bakugou's hand. Granted it was cold yet it still made my heart flutter. It's kinda difficult to admit to myself that i really do like like him, i mean he's my best friend and well knowing him he would never admit if he did like me back which obviously he wouldn't. I know that a relationship like that wouldn't happen between us but i still can't help but hope and at the very least still be his best friend and be there for him no matter how much it hurts. I will always want to be with him.

"I should probably do my homework" i mumbled to myself as i picked up my bag and searched for my book. Carelessly, i flung my bag back on the floor and my homework sheets on my desk. Sitting down to get started is when the tiredness really got to me as my eyes kept shutting. I'm not built for waking up so early in the morning. Too lazy to get up and crawl into bed, i layed my head in my arms on the desk as i drifted to sleep.

3rd person (Yippee ( '∀` )b)

Slamming the door behind him, the blonde felt his legs collapse beneath him. How could he let himself seem so weak today. Fuck. He just stayed on the floor, hands shaking, limbs tingling like tv static. His heart hammered against his ribcage like a thunderous beat that echoed throughout his body, matching the rhythm of his rising panic. What felt instantly his vision became disfigured as non-existent tears welled up in his eyes, gasping like an air hungry monster. His chest ached as he was suffocated by his own lungs and waves of coldness rippled through his bones. Like his room, the world appeared to spin faster, 'round and 'round throwing Katsuki around the room, stumbling like a drunken mess.

He layed flat against the floor, staring up at the ceiling. After a while his breath seemed to even out, calmly, only to be left with a banging headache and a lethargic emptiness sinking through his chest. Placing his hand ontop of his upper body he realised his uniform was still on. Undressing he placed his uniform on the back of his chair, changing into a plain black hoodie and some random comfortable trousers. His eyes wondered back to the uniform pile left next to his desk. The blaser.

Carefully, he took hold of his best friend's blaser, fixed himself up and ventured outside of his room turning ninety degrees landing infront of Kirishima's room in a mere second. He adjusted himself to knock on the door but was met with no reply, he tried one more time. Being met with no reply yet again, the blonde came to the conclusion that Eijiro wasn't in there, probably hanging out with some of the others downstairs. The blonde thought he could quickly go inside leave it on Kirishima's bed and leave, it was better than having to talk anyway, easier.

Turning the handle Bakugou stepped inside, he came face to face with a sleeping Kirishima. He looked so peacful, so calm, so handsome. No. What is he thinking, don't think that way Eijiro is too good for him. Yet his heart still palpitated at the sight of him, he was so sweet and considerate the blonde couldn't help but adore the other. Taking another step he entered the room and placed Kiri's blaser on his bed as quiet as possible. Turning back around to look at the latter, Kiri shivered ever so slightly making Katsuki's heart melt. Bakugou didn't want to wake the sleeping boy so he grabbed the crimson riot blanket from ontop the other's bed. Gently, Bakugou placed the blanket over the latter, treading softly to the exit closing it behind him delicately, ensuring that Eijiro wouldn't wake up.

Time skip yippee (bc im lazy and dont have a clue how im gonna transition to this next part. i do but i cba to write that filler hehe) (*⌒3⌒*)

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Kirishima felt an annoying buzz coming from his phone, waking him up. After a few seconds of him just grasping reality again he answered the call.
a groggy Eijiro asked.
Mina responds sounding excited about something.
"Is there something you need, Mina?"

"Nope, well kinda but not like that. So uh basically Yaomomo is ordering Chinese in for everyone 'cause the few people in our class that can cook without being a danger to everybody else aren't bothered to cook and we know we won't be able to get Bakubabe, so yeah what'd ya want to eat?"

Kirishima took a few seconds to process what she had just raced through.
"Umm... anythings fine im not fussy"

"Okayyy see yaaaa!"
Mina hangs up the call as Kirishima stretched trying to wake up properly. He checks the time on his phone quickly, 18:36. Almost 4 hours, he thinks to himself before noticing that he's still in his school uniform. Standing up to change, his blanket fell on the floor. Confusion spread across Kirishima's face as he didn't remember getting a blanket earlier. He shrugs it off throwing it back onto his bed when he sees the blaser. A smile spread across his face as the realisation that it was Bakugou that came in there and cared for him enough to cover him with a blanket. His heart felt warm as did his cheeks.

Bakugou really does care, he knew it. Krishima quickly changed into a hoodie and some shorts before heading downstairs to the common room, joining everyone else. The blush never leaving his cheeks and the smile never leaving his lips.

1060 words
Hope you liked the little sweet treat of fluff i have gifted you. hehe. i really enjoy the support you guys have given me its not alot but i really enjoy seeing the comments and replying to them. have a great day/night. stay safe ♡♡

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