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Bakugou really does care, he knew it. Krishima quickly changed into a hoodie and some shorts before heading downstairs to the common room, joining everyone else. The blush never leaving his cheeks and the smile never leaving his lips.

Mina POV ヽ(*'^`)ノ

After ending the call with Kiri, i turned back to Denki and Sero chatting about random stuff while playing games on his phone. As we celebrated Denki getting a full combo on Villain (PROJECT SEKAI HEHE), Kirishima walked into the room with the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life. I bet something interesting has happened. Time to wead it of him yippee.

Kiri sits down next to me and turns to me with such excitement in his eyes.
"Spill! what happened?"
I question him as i giggle.

His cheeks appear pinker as he takes a second to think about it.
"Alright umm haha, So uh basically umm i fell asleep on my desk earlier and woke up to a blanket on me and it was definitely Bakubro who covered me with it 'cause he returned something i gave him 'cause it was like on my bed. So yeah. I'm really happy. Hehe"
Kiri rambled in one breath as me, Denki and Sero were all shocked, eyes wide, mouths agape.

"Uhmm... Guys?"
Kiri waved his hand infront of us as i decided to make the Kiribaku of my dreams come to life. I smirk.
"Kiri, babes, he likes you, you like him too. Dude, just ask him out already."
I sigh, shaking my head, Sero and Denki doing so, too.
"Minaaaa!? Yeah but i-"

"C'mon man, she is right though soo-"
Sero chimed in spitting facts.
Denki chuckled aswell.
"Okay look guys... I-... I'm not sure like, okay, yeah i like him, yes i would want to date him and yeah i want to-"
Kiri blushes, shaking his head and clearing his throat before continuing,
"Look, all I'm trying to say is i dont know if he thinks the same..."
Kiri says looking at the floor with a sad puppy-like smile.
"Ummm. Thats the fucking point of ASKING him out. You ask 'cause you dont know, dumbass!"
I laugh, flicking his forehead.

"I knew that-!"
Kiri rubs his forehead
"But i just..."
He sighs
He asks as i raise my eyebrow and respond.
"How, what Kirishima?"
I chuckle. He looks back at me unimpressed.
"You know-"
Kiri mumbles, trying to hide the reddening of his ears.
"Ha, yeah i know. I just wanted to see your reaction."

Kiri Pov ('∀`*)ε` )

Morning already? Tuesday, 7:30am, damn i gotta get ready for school.

I pause, shit, i pinky promised Mina that i would confess today. Oh fuck! I can't do this, I cant do this!!

I take a moment to take a few deep breaths and calm down. I get up and get ready for school as normal, making sure my hair spikes are spikier and my mentally prepared confession is perfect for today. I have a fluttering in my stomach alike a warning that it won't work out, but it's just my nerves. I can do this and Mina's plan was to do it after school anyway so i have time to prepare myself. After collecting my thoughts, i continued getting ready before finally heading to class.

Time skip ( ^ ^)r゛♡

With each passing second, each tick of the clock, my heart pounded heavier as the end if the school day drew nearer. Time seemed to speed past because before i knew it the bell rang. Mina shot me a little wink, Denki and Sero smiling as i stood up.

(Jsyk the Mina speach now is just Kirishima's memory of what she told him yesterday)
"Step One, you walk up to him casually a little smile, maybe. Just do how you would usually"

I stood up to walk over to Bakugou who was packing his bag ready to leave. Right before Bakugou leaves the classroom, i catch him at the door.
"Hey dude!"
Fuck! why did i say dude if I'm gonna confess my undying love for him. Shit, the nerves really be catching up to me I'm starting to think in Shakespeare. He looks at me and continues walking, i quicken my pace to walk by his side.
"I was-...I was wondering if i could talk to you for a minute"

"Step two, slyly ask to talk to him outside somewhere less crowded, cute... Ooh! next to the flower beds and cherry blossom tree. So romantic"

"We're talking now, dumbass"
Bakugou rolls his eyes and scoffs
"Haha yeah, you're right. But um i mean like outside about something... different."
I laugh rubbing the back of my neck. Damn my hands are sweaty, I'm so nervous i could almost be sick.

"Step three, stealthily touch him. You know, brush your hands together, rub his shoulder, brush a strand of hair out of his face, anything. Just some kind of small physical contact."

I get him to follow me to the spot that Mina suggested. Okay contact, lets go. I slightly brush my hand against his, leading him to the less visible area. We stop, standing face to face. The sky is a warm grey with beams of warm light giving off a comfortable aura. The light reflects off of the petals of the cherry blossom tree, lighting up Bakugou's face with pretty shades of pink. I feel a single droplet fall from the sky as a mist-like rain begins to fall. I smile softly, brushing a small strand of his hair out of his eye getting a clearer view of the glossy ruby that made my cheeks redden.

My face feels hot, getting a little light-headed as my heart beats out of my chest getting stuck in my throat.

1020 words
Haha i really enjoy ending these on cliffhangers. I bet you are enjoying the cute fluff (^-^;
Anyway, again thanks for the support, if you have any ideas you want to see leave a comment and I'd love to include it. Have a great day/night. Stay safe♡♡

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