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My face feels hot, getting a little light-headed as my heart beats out of my chest getting stuck in my throat.

Kiri pov (*^¬^*)

My heart was beating so fast i could feel my chest tighten. I could cry, throw up, run around in circles just from how nervous and excited i was at the same time.

"Step 4, confess. Just say how he makes how you feel, yeah? Then like subtle things that you've noticed about him y'know to show that you're serious.

I swallow to help get some words out.
"So uh... i"
Fuck, Eijiro you sound stupid c'mon. I swallow once more and take a short deep breath to calm myself.
"Look, Bakugou, i've wanted to say this for a long time but i... you... i-"

"Spit it out Shitty hair."
Bakugou rolls his eyes with a sigh. Hes right c'mon Eijirou just say it.

"I... you know every time that you're confused you squint your eyes and you always seem to rub your arms when you're nervous and-"
i start to ramble cause I've completely forgotten the plan of what i was going to say. Shit what am i going to do.

"what are you doing... just say what you were going to say. Stop going off topic."
Bakugou cuts me off sighing angrily making me come back to reality, oh no I'm weirding him out. Jeez get it together.

the clouds seemed to get greyer as rain begins to fall, softly at first slowly getting heavier. I can hear the small pitter patter of raindrops against the concrete and through the blossoms of the tree spilling onto us. I wanted to speak again but instead i admired the rain soaking Bakugou as his hair fell sticking to his face. I lifted my hand to sweep the hair, tucking a small piece behind his ear his eyes seemed to glisten from the reflection of light. My body moved on its own, bringing myself closer to him, mere centimetres away from our lips touching.

Time seemed to freeze as the words just fell from my lips without warning.
"I like you, Katsuki."

402 words
i know very short chapter im sorry but this is for the cliffhanger so deal with it. No sorry but yeah plus im rlly lazy hehe. But i also need and want the cliff so yeah. Stay safe ♡ Have a great day/night

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