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A/N Sorry i havent posted in a while (*',_ゝ`) i got writers block and then forgot about this and i literally couldnt move out of bed or bring myself to do anything hehe. sorry. anyway enjoy. sorry again (;'∀`)

and before we knew it the bell rang. Break time!

denki pov (ゝω・'★)

I should ask. I mean what if something happened. Okay! I'll ask. No no no. Should i? Maybe it wasn't even them. But then again-

Who's blood was that?

I decided to ignore it for now 'cause i don't think it had anything to do with them... i hope.

We walked outside for our 15 min break we were going to sit on the grass but it was too wet from the rain earlier so we all went and sat under a tree instead. Bakubro and Kiri look closer than before. Hah! Gay! (Just like you reading this)

"We have hero training next. Yes! The best lesson, my brain is not very smart for the other ones!" Mina whined shaking me grabbing onto my arm.


"Hey!" Kiri gasped amd acted offended, hand on his heart. "Rude" he rolled his eyes sarcasticly his hand facing to me. We all laughed, Bakugou staying quiet staring at his hand, wrist, i dunno. Weird he hasn't yelled yet actually.

"Yo, wait, my dude, Bakubro you haven't yelled today oh my golly-gosh" I HAD to ask sooo strange.

"WAIT OH MY LORDDDD! DENKII YOU'RE RIGHT!" Yeahh see my bro Sero sees it too.

"BAKUBABEEE! you're not angry anymoreee aweeeeee" Mina squeals. Bakubro didnt even look like he heard us hah whatever.

"to be honest, the lack of shouting is kinda nice" Mina whisper shouted in a funny tone.

"It is though! like omg lol hashtag living-the-best-life, hashtag i-get-to-keep-my-eardrums" I stuck my toungue out the side of my lips ands winking like the sassy king i am. Me, Mina, Sero laughed to the point we couldnt even sit up as Kiri chuckled only a bit and Bakubro the exact same stoical expression on his face, he didn't even move a muscle after THAT. Normally he would've, i dunno, bitten our heads off or scooped out our brains and used our skulls as cups... or just blow us up. Either way he's a little angry man. So it's actually really strange.

3rd person pov

The group continued to chat laugh and gossip for the remaining 10 minutes without Bakugou joining in at any point at all. Eventually, the bell rang for their next lesson, Hero training. The group made it to the changing room and with the rest of the class they changed, some including Bakugou changed in the shower stalls. Someone, that someone being Denki, thought it was good to throw a lynx body spray bomb making the whole room stink of it many coughing.

They finally got out to the training ground they were on for today's lesson but it was... small and no obsticles or city setting. odd. All Might steps out proudly hands on his hips and chest puffed out, clearing his throat quickly bringing out notes before reading them.

"Right! Today we're going to be doing some trust exercises for you to be able collaborate with your fellow heroes and peers better"
All might licks his index finger flipping to the next page clearing his throat once more before continuing.
"So i want you to get into partners and I'll explain the activity after, remember if you mess around too much i will pick the partners. So sensibly walk into pairs."

Kirishima twirled over to Bakugou getting up close and personal, batting his eyes like a pwetty wittle pwincess (my sincerest apologies).

All Might continued after the pairs were finalised.

All Might began to explain the lesson plan. Trust. Trust exercises. Something Bakugou is definitely not used to, it was uncomfortable. If the only person who will forever be with him is himself why should he trust anyone. Trust is subjective, but it never last for everyone becausesooner or later it will be broken never to be repaired. It wont last if you're being truthful to yourself anyway, some people are just delusional.

"So now assign yourselves a person A and person B from your pairs"
The teacher added, quickly being cut off by the chatter of students.

The redhead turned to the blonde, smiling mischievously.
"You be person A for Amazing and I'll be B for Bakugou's best buddy"
He smiled cheerfully, showing off his shark-like qualities. Bakugou couldnt help but scoff at the latter.

"Quiet down!"
All Might Boomed, receiving everyones attention.
"Person A come and get a blindfold"
Whispers of what this could be for went around as half tge class walked up and got one, including Bakugou.
"I want you to out that blindfold on. Person B grab your friends hand and guide them."

The blonde glanced at Kirishima for a second before putting the blindfold on like everybody else.

Kirishima pov ( v^▽゜)♪

When i took hold of Bakugou's hand, it felt so ice cold that my hand flinched back a little bit before going and grabbing it again. I squeezed his hand to let him know that i got him and i wont let go till he says so. As we waited for All Might Sensei to figure out which ground we're going to, i move my other hand to lay on the other side of Bakubro's hand to warm him up a bit. I clasp his other hand and do the same thing, rubbing them together slightly to create warmth.

All Might begins to head to the ground we will be at today, as he ushers our class to follow. I guide Bakugou carefully, he seems calm and just a little moody but his hand shook in mine. I tighten my grasp on him, securing my confident feeling making him see that too.

When we got to the grounds, everyone took off their blindfolds for now. Listening to All Might explain the next thing i noticed how much Bakugou was shivering. It wasnt very noticeably but i could tell, yet its kind of odd. How are you shivering if its a warm day?

1054 words
Heyy its been a little while hehe ( ゚ε゚;) but i really thank you for the support ive gotten so far. i do appreciate it alot. i have a lovely little fluff chapter for you guys soon. Just to lighten the mood before a bad thing. Σ('∀`;). Anyway, have a great day!!

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