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I wish crashing waves could take me away from here.

Kiri pov o(゚▽^)ノ

I woke up earlier than usual because i know Bakubro usually gets to school early. I get dressed into my uniform and grab my things that i need and something that i wanted to give to Bakugou. I don't know if it will make him feel better but maybe it will at least cheer him up even if only a little bit. I check the time quickly before going out my room, 07:02. I'm really early, school doesn't start for another hour.

I go down to the common room to find something for breakfast. As i walk through i spot Iida, maybe i should ask him if he's seen Bakugou.

"You're up alot earlied than usual Kirishima"

i guess he saw me first

"Yeah, i wanted to get up earlier to catch Bakubro. Have you seen him yet, bro?"

If he hasn't than he's probably still in his room but if he has that means he's probably in the classroom already.

"I have. He was sitting here when i came down, he was very... quite."

As Iida answers my question i open the cupboard and take out a bowl along with some cereal. I open the cutlery draw and grab a spoon, i pour the milk into the bowl then the cereal, Iida shoots me a slight look of disappointment at that action. I put the milk back in the fridge and i sit opposite Iida.

"So uh.. did Bakugou already go or something"

If he did he should be in the class alone so if i go quickly i could talk to him just us.

"He did. Matter of fact you just missed him, he left about 10 or so minutes ago."

Great! i can talk to him alone in class. I speed up my pace and practically inhale my cereal.

"You'll get a stomach ache if you eat that quick."

Iida warned me but i really don't mind if it means that i can talk to Bakugou.

"Thanks Iida"

I jump out of my chair to put my bowl in the dishwasher. I take my stuff and run to the the door.

"No running inside!"


Shoot its raining, heavily at that. i take an umbrella after slipping on my coat and sped out the door. I don't run full speed as to not slip but i kinda half run to school.

I get into school and wow, it's so empty and calm at this time, i prefer this actually it's soothing. As i make my way to the classroom, i quickly check my phone, 07:20. Wow really early, still 40 minutes left.

Quickly, I get closer to the room Bakugou is in, i push the doorknob down and pull the door. He is in here. His head's on the desk, he looks so pretty in this lighting. I let the door shut behind me as i walk to Bakugou. Is he sleeping, I'll check if he's not.

"Hey bakubro!"

Hmm no responce, oh! he's got headphones on. i softly knock on his desk.

Maybe he is asleep. I softly knock in his desk once more. He shifts his body and ever so slightly turns his head to face me, his eye just peaking out.


I smile, as i grab a chair close to me and sit ajar to him. I gulp, as i wipe the sweat off my hands onto my trousers.


He lifts his head more to look in my direction. Why does he look like that, so... sad, his eyes look almost dead. i place my arm on his back, he does nothing. I dont think talking about this right now would end very well, I'll just focus on cheering him up then I'll ask more.

"Uh i made you something"

His eyes look up at my face for a split second before darting back down. I unzip my coat pocket and take out the small box i decorated. I place it on the desk waiting for him to open it. I wait a few seconds.

"... do you want me to open it for you?"

I was met with silence, i just want to see him happy. I reach for the box and open the cardboard lid, i slide it back over to him right next to his face. He takes a moment but sits up to take it out.

"i- i know you like cats 'cause every time we go to the park near here you always pet the cats, so i made you that cat keychain... heh.."

He's not doing anything, does he not like it or something...

"i had to ask Tsu for some help, she loves arts and crafts and I'm not very good at this kinda stuff... b-but i tried really hard..."

All Bakugou is doing is looking at it, i can't tell if he likes it.

"Look if you don't like it-"

I slightly reach over to it but he shifts his body to face his back at me, protecting the keychain. He likes it! He actually likes it! I couldn't help but smile so wide i almost look insane. Out of instinct i go to hug him. His hair smells like caramel, I'm surprised he hasn't shoved me off yet that fact just makes me hug him tighter. Bakugou doesn't hug me back per say but not pushing me off is a very good sign. I dont want this hug to end, i just want to kiss him, i want to make him happy all the time, i want us to be happy together, forever.

Abruptly, the door opens making me jump ever so slightly and move back, breaking the hug. Darn it! I turn around to see Iida at the door, adjusting his glasses, making his way to his assigned seat. He pulled out a study book and began to work through it.

I shifted my attention back to Bakugou he was just admiring the cat keychain i made for him, IM SO HAPPY THAT HE LIKES IT!


He said in the quietest voice I've ever heard Bakugou speak in. I'm so dang happy.

1069 words
dude my story is flopping so bad but i will still post chapters for those couple that like it. thank you ♡
have a great day |ω・)ノ

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