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A/N Just quickly idk if its just me but my wattpad isnt letting me switch the chapters around this is chapter 5 but the next one is chapter 6 and then after is chapter 4 and even if i press save swapping the chapters it doesnt stay jsyk if ur a new reader. sorry. so before you read just check in the table of content.

They're literally the ones who asked me, as I see it that's purely mad.

Not even a second later Shitty hair came racing at me placing his arm around my shoulder, I unexpectedly hold my breath.
"What do you want Shitty hair?!"
"Nothing I just-"
" if its about what happened ignore it. Nothing happened okay! Never, Ever mention it alright!?"
"Okay- but that's not it I wanted to ask you something."
"if you want to ask me something. Ask. I'm not holding you back or anything"
He stayed silent, nothing, he sayed nothing. He just stayed silent, not even a breathe. That doesn't matter though. I already knew what he was going to ask.

Before I could walk away the rest of the 'Bakusquad' caught up and carried on chatting as we sat down to eat. I kept my mouth shut allowing myself to overthink, allowing myself to drown within my own thoughts, allowing that feeling of isolation and desolation to spread throughout my entire body.
it was suffocating.
I lift my sight up to look at the others as my eyes make contact with his.
I wish.

within seconds I lock my eyes back onto my hands, yet I can't help but notice the plate of food infront of me. I want to, but I shouldn't, it'll be wrong and I know afterwards I'll regret it.
I just want to be happy.
I can't shake the idea that...
I don't want to get better
I don't want to feel better
I'm just...seeking attention.

yet that thought lingers in my brain.
it's overwhelming because the only solution my mind comes to conclusion with is suicide.
I want to start over, like a video game, just die and respawn like I'm in minecraft. That's not possible though.
That's why the known fact that this will eventually come to an end is a small comfort to me.

I know I have the power of that in my own hands, my life is in my hands, I can quit existence at any point in time and that'll be it.

If you're thinking about it do it

The sudden sound startled me dragging me away from my own thoughts, but technically this 'Voice' is part of my thoughts. I don't even know what it is or where it came from.

I am you


how hard is it to understand I am you and you are me we are the same except that I am in your mind, I controll your thoughts.i own you. you're my toy in this game.

Kiri pov =] ♡

The lunch was good, the conversation was funny yet I couldn't turn my attention away from Bakugou. I wonder what he's thinking about. I will admit I couldn't help but admire Bakugou, in a totally "platonic" way...
But his face, his perseverance, his strength, his manliness, did I mention his face, his sharp eyes that peirce my heart "platonically", his lips, his soft perfect lips, yes they spat every swear in the book but did I still want them...also yes.

As my eyes were glued to Bakugou's lips he looked up at me, I guess he felt my stare, but within seconds he looked back down at what I can only presume was his hands. His rough gaze took a glimpse of his plate.
It was untouched.
Not even a bite.
I'm really starting to worry again.
I should talk to Bakugou but it really seems to bother him. I want him to be able to trust me enough to tell me but all I can do right now is just be there for him.
Even though I was worried, my mind just wondered to how beautiful he was.
(same kiri same)

"Ok sooooooooooooo Bakubabe it's confirmed that you do have a crush on...someone. Right?"
Mina said gleefully smiling at Bakugou deviously.
"so TELL MEEE please."
she demanded fluttering her eyes
"no, it has absolutely nothing to do with you."
Bakugou rolled his eyes, stationing his attention to Mina.
"uuuhmmmm Yes it DOES! alright? I know everyone's crush even Kiri's hehe"
Mina giggled

MINA WHY DID YOU SAY THAT!!! oh no oh no what do I do why did you mention my crush Mina. Now Bakugou knows I have a crush. even worse he might think I like someone that isn't him and won't believe me when I confess to him or he knows its him now which isn't as bad. BUT ITS STILL BAD.

Mina pov (≧◡≦) ♡

"Ok sooooooooooooo Bakubabe it's confirmed that you do have a crush on...someone. Right?"
Bakugou has GOT to give me an answer
"so TELL MEEE please."
...even though its pretty obvious it's Kiri. BUT I SHIP IT like....POPROCKS such an adorable ship name. AHHH. They so obviously like each other.
"no, it has absolutely nothing to do with you."
"uuuhmmmm Yes it DOES! alright? I know everyone's crush even Kiri's hehe"
this will make sure that bakubabe will admit if not to me to himself...but I still want to hear him say 'I like kirishima' cause that footage WILL BE PRICELESS.
plus it'll be good for the both of them BUT THE EVIDENCE WILL BE EVEN BETTER FOR EVERYONE including me.

Kirishima keeps making googly eyes at bakubabe then all angry at me hah I know what he's thinking. Kiribabe is probably thinking something like 'why did you say that mina' or 'now Bakugou might know I like him' it's obvious anybody with a brain can read kiri like a book...
too bad for Denki.

I should totally 100% for definite get them together.
I am so the smart like nobody can outdo my smartness and intelligence.
But what should I do...?

I stroke my chin thinking of ideas while everyone else at the table looks at me as if I was performing surgery on a fly or a walk if it doesn't have wings I don't discriminate.

I know just what to do this will be so good.
I know I know thank you for this award of geniusness, I am soo grateful.

1074 words
idk why I can't post regularly I just get them out every so often but yeah I hope this was okay I've gon with more poprocks cause we all love poprocks.

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